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Ice Planet Expedition: Reunion, part 2

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2010 @ 4:16am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Tiberius X
Timeline: current


T'mpest finished storing the bodies, with help from Harmos and Zach. She didn't like losing people, especially on what should have been a fun side trip. "We should finish setting up camp. The k'naar know we're here. I expect them to come looking for us before much longer."

Harmos sighed. "The Marines call it toe-tagging. Graves Registration. No matter what you call it, it's no fun identifying and preparing the bodies for transportation home. But T'mpest, you have to realize that there was no way you could have prevented this. We went in with the expectation of finding something new and exciting, not with the expectation of killing off our people. I have been dealing with the death of my own since I joined the Marines. It never gets easier. But there comes a point where you have to look at yourself in the mirror and say, 'I did everything I could, but it just wasn't meant to be. I could not have saved them, so I must accept their deaths, learn from what has happened, and move on, ensuring that I don't do the same thing again.' It really wasn't your fault."

He placed a tender hand on her shoulder. "When we get back to the ship, I have to write a letter to the Marine's family, telling them that their boy died bravely, doing what he loved, and that he was a hero. If you would like, I can help you write to the family of your scientist. As to the k'naar, I think we know how to handle them, now. I'll post a watch with at least two Marines on guard through the night. As long as we don't separate, we should be fine." He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly and turned away to organize the watch.

"Would it be better if not safer to sleep in the shuttles?" Zach asked. "Would they not provide better protection from these k'naar? Not to mention they're warm. I've kept the systems in standby since we landed." He looked at T'mpest and Harmos. "Just a suggestion."

Gifford moved towards commander Sheridan. "There was really nothing that could have been done." Ty seven shook his head. He didn't know these people, but he understood their grief. "Rats, I hate Rats" He walked over to he tent. John was looking about. "I think we had better get out some sensors, these little devils have had a taste of blood, they'll be back." Sheridan agreed and checked his weapons, "You have room in your tent, I'm in a shuttle and taking up to much space there."

Gifford nodded. "Sure, no problem. Ty and I won't be sleeping anyway I'm sure."

T'mpest smiled at Harmos. "Thank you. I appreciate it." To Zach she said, "I don't think that will be necessary. We're far enough from the caves to be fairly safe. However," she turned back to Harmos, "we should post a guard near the caves to keep the k'naar from coming after us."

Zach nodded, "All right. As I said just a suggestion." He said gently, not wishing to upset T'mpest, knowing she was dealing with the loss in her own way. He was here if she needed him to talk to or a shoulder to cry on or just have him listen.

Trent overheard the comment and stepped over to the small group. His white coat was still stained crimson with the blood of the Marine he carried out of the cave. His eyes smoldered with subdued rage. He was right there, if he had only seen it coming he might have been able to save the now dead Marine. If only he was paying more attention. If only...

“Sir.†He regarded the Colonel “With your permission I would like to be stationed at the caves entrance. I’ll make sure not one of them gets through.â€

Harmos shook his head. He had seen this kind of reckless disregard for safety after the loss of a comrade, but he had the living to think about. "Denied, Kushner. Those rats may not be brave enough to come all the way our here looking for food, but if you place yourself at their doorstep, you're basically offering yourself up as dessert." When he saw the Marine start to protest, he held up a hand. "Sure, you might be able to kill the first thousand that came through, but eventually, your rifle would lose charge, and you'd wind up just as dead as the others. Survivor's guilt is not a good enough reason for a fine Marine like you to give up his life so foolishly." He placed his hand on the Leatherneck's shoulder. "I will, however, allow you to volunteer for last watch. You'll relieve Sergeant Melo at 0400. Now get some sleep. Dismissed." He thought for a second, then called after Trent. "No heroics, Marine! Do I make myself clear? If you die, I'll get the Doc to bring you back to life just so I can kill you myself!" He grinned, trying to show the Marine that he really did care. "Semper Fi!"

Trent nodded and smiled weakly. He disagreed with the Colonel's assessment of his combat effectiveness, but he would respect and obey his commanding officer's orders. "Oorah." He said in acknowledgement, before leaving for his tent.


USS Endeavor:

Commander T'mpest Michaels
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Harmos Aurelius
Marine CO

Commander Zach Scott
Chief of Staff

Lieutenant Commander John Gifford
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Anjen Torvil
Assistant Chief Science Officer

1st Lieutenant Lana Hunter
Platoon Commander

Ensign Beatrix Marelle
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

USS Orion:

Lieutenant Commander Samantha York
Chief Science Officer

1st Lieutenant Damon Raine
Marine CO

Petty Officer 3rd Class Yvette Jaynes (NPC)

Sergeant Kara Melo (NPC)
Marine Scout

Staff Sergeant Allen Riley (NPC)
Marine Section Leader

Trent Kushner (NPC)
Marine Rifleman

Starbase Typhon:

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ty Seven (NPC)
Intel Officer

Lieutenant Lucinda Sprout (NPC)
Science Officer, Glaciologist


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