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Tea and confusion With Ensign T'Vanna

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2010 @ 11:03am by

413 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Starbase Promenade: Oriental Tea Room

Ensign Therese T'vanna entered the Oriental Tea room, and saw a petite Asian-looking woman, apparently the shop keeper.

"Welcome! You want tea?" The woman asked.

Therese nodded. "Do you have Vulcan Spiced tea?" She replied.

"We not have that here. You read menu. You order tea from menu. You can have food too. I make it for you cheap. It will be good." She replied.

Therese's eyebrow rose. "You serve alcohol on a Federation Starbase?" She asked.

"I sell to civilian only. Starfleet Staff not permitted alcohols on duty." She replied. "You ready to order now?"

"Simple Green tea." Therese said. "And some vegetable stir fry."

"Okay. 14 Credits. You pay now. I cook your food. Food be ready within 10 minutes." The woman said.

Therese handed her Starfleet Credit Stick over, and the woman typed 014.0 into the Credit Scanner.

"Your transaction was approved. Please have a seat." The woman said.

Therese sat, and watched the woman prepare the vegetable-stir fry, while the water heated up. She sprinkled some herbs into the pot, and then sprinkled some herbs in the frying pan. Herbs, herbs everywhere. The woman stared at the pot, as if the answers to the universe were in there.

"Do you do the ancient earth mystical practice of tea leaf reading? I have heard of it, but have never seen it performed." Therese asked.

"I read tea leaves. They say many things. The universe doesn't always talk about you, or me, through tea leaves. They say things to me like potential new recipes. and possible wars that will break out. Sometimes they talk gibberish." The woman said.

"What do those tea leaves say to you?" She asked.

"They say you ask too many questions, and judge them improperly. They not want me to read them for you." The woman replied.

"What?" Therese demanded.

"You make fun of Tea leaf reading. You call it mysticism. I give you tea, and stir fry, and you leave, and not come back." The woman said, as she handed Therese a mug, and a small box with vegetable stir fry in it.

"I was merely curious." Therese said, confused.

"You come back, I call security! You leave now!" The woman exclaimed.

Therese simply shrugged, and left.

"I should have spit in her tea." The woman muttered after Therese left.


USS Alabama NPC: ((Joey Chaplin))
Ensign Therese T'vanna
Engineering Officer,
USS Alabama

Starbase Typhon NPC: ((Ambassador Faron Lenar))
Aeshia Dew
Shopkeeper of the Oriental Tea Room,
Starbase Typhon


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