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Bioneural Mess

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2010 @ 3:46pm by

614 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: USS Alabama
Timeline: 1400 hours

Austin had just gotten done talking to the chief engineer of the Alabama. He seemed like a nice enough guy. But Greenwood had other business to attend to. He entered shield control array for port shields one through four. "Hey, Flynn. I'll take over," the Texan drawled.

The warrant officer looked up at him. "But I got it almost ready, sir!" The Irishman didn't seem happy.

Austin decided to give him the benefit of the doubt "Okay, let's see it."

Flynn set the ODN coupler to the desired setting, then used it to recalibrate the ODN relays. He picked up the megaspanner and used it to adjust the harmonics. Finally, standing up, he went to the controls and turned them on and they flickered to life. He smiled.

Austin appeared satisfied for a moment. Then they went down again.

Flynn muttered a curse in Gaelic. "That be the fifth time they haff done that!" His lilt was stronger when he was agitated it seemed.

Austin suppressed a smile. "C'mon. Let's see if we can't find what's goin' on. Now where did ya start?"

"I started here with the power relays..." The two men spent the better part of an hour going over everything in the shield array. It all came down to one conclusion: they should have worked perfectly. To say it was confusing was an understatement. There was no reason that the shields shouldn't have worked...that they found yet.

"I think I know what ya mean. It should have worked fine." Austin scratched his chin, thinking. He decided to head back towards the rest of the ship to see if somehow the power relays or the bioneural gelpacks needed to be replaced. And it was a good thing he did. He found the problem in the wall panel where the power relays from the shields led to that of the rest of the ship.

"Here's yer problem. The gelpack is infected." He looked at Flynn. "Ya got a gelpack over there?"

Flynn shook his head. "No sir. I just have power relays."

Austin stood up. "I'll go git one. Just don't touch it yet. It looks like it might explode at any second."

The big Texan was feeling good about overcoming a challenge. He liked challenges. They kept him on his toes as an engineer. He got a gelpack from the supplies they had brought with them and went back to the shield control array to find Flynn covered in infected bioneural gel. Austin didn't touch him. Who knew what virus had gotten into it.

"Flynn, can ya walk without makin' a big mess?"

Flynn stood up and nodded, holding his arms slightly out in front of him. It looked like his face and chest had gotten the worst of it.

=A= Greenwood ta Sickbay, is anyone there? =A=

Austin exhaled in relief when a nurse answered. =A= Yes, we're here. What seems to be the problem? =A=

=A= I need a biocontainment team down in port shield control array one. We got a li'l bit of a problem with an infected biogel pack. It exploded. =A=

The nurse's voice became more businesslike. =A= I'm on the way. Was anyone in the way of the explosion? =A=

=A= Yeah, O'Boyle. =A=

=A= Send him to Sickbay immediately. =A=

=A= Will do. Greenwood out. =A=

Austin turned to Flynn. "Ya heard the lady. Let's git ya ta Sickbay."

Flynn started with his hypochondriac routine again and Austin wanted to sigh. It was going to be a long, long day.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

WO Flynn O'Boyle
SB Typhon
Played by: Austin

Unnamed Nurse
USS Alabama
Played by: Austin


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