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Expansion and Promotion

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2010 @ 4:40pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Starbase Typhon

Rebecka had been called to the Admiral's office and she wasn't sure why. This last mission was undercover true but for the most part her team had done well and had gone undetected as Federation officers. Prepared for the worst and hoping for the best as her friend Captain chi-Trei would say she approached the area and let the receptionist know who she was and that she had an appointment then she waited.

Millie was adjusting her chair yet again. It was hard getting a new chair to be perfect for her needs. She looked up when the woman approached. "Oh, hi. The Admiral is expecting you. Go right in. Third door on your right. The one marked Rear Admiral Burke."

"Thank you." Rebecka said and made her way to the third door and pressed the chime then entered once the doors parted. "You wanted to see me ma'am?" Rebecka asked.

Kathryn had been watering a row of plants. She turned when the door opened, pleased to see that Rebecka was on time. "Yes, I did. Come in. I'm Kathryn Burke," she walked over to Rebecka, offering her hand. "A pleasure to meet you."

Rebecka took the offered hand, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked with a smile.

"Business, actually. Have a seat and I'll explain. Can I offer you something to drink before we begin?" Kathryn asked.

"Lady Grey tea with sugar please." Becka answered as she took a seat.

Kathryn replicated a cup of Earl Grey for Becka and a cup of cinnamon tea for herself, both with sugar.

She set Becka's cup on the desk and walked around to her chair. Once Kathryn sat down and took a sip of her tea she began.

"As you know, Starfleet has recently formed Theta Fleet and reassigned a number of ships. To that end, it is necessary to do some staff restructuring." Kathryn pulled a small box out of her desk and passed it to Becka. "You have been given a new ship because Admiral McGinley would like you to be the flagship for Task Group 1." She grinned. "Along with the added responsibility comes a promotion. Admiral lower half; or, as I prefer to call it, Commodore."

Rebecka blinked a moment and opened the box. She sat stunned a moment, "Thank you, I'm honored that you think I'm ready for this position." She said as she reached up and replaced her pips with that of the Commodore rank. "I hope I don't let you down." She added.

"If your past record is nothing to go by, you won't," Kathryn replied. "And don't thank me. I'm just the messenger." She had to give credit to Admiral McGinley, who was currently stuck on Earth dealing with bureaucrats. One of many reasons why Kat was glad she was Deputy Commander. She had as much work as she wanted, but she could leave the tedious bits to McGinley.

"I'm honored all the same Admiral." Rebecka said. "I never thought I would make admiral this early in my career and get to stay in the command chair especially. If the promotion meant giving that up then I wouldn't be ready for it yet."

"I understand. I had command of a starship for a while. It's a wonderful opportunity. Enjoy it for as long as you can," Kathryn replied.

"Thank you ma'am. Is there anything else you needed from me?" Becka asked.

"No. Just keep up the good work," Kathryn replied.

"Thank you," Rebecka said then stood and held out her hand, "It was a pleasure meeting you."

"The pleasure was mine, Commodore," Kathryn replied with a grin. "Congratulations... and condolences." She knew that Becka knew that promotion beyond Captain was always a two-edged sword.

"I guess I really should press for that yeoman now." Becka said with a nod. "I'll be going now as I have a date with my son." She added and turned to head back to her ship.

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Starbase Typhon, Theta Fleet DCinC

Commodore Rebecka James
Commanding Officer/TGCO 88-2
USS Alabama


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