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Meeting the Regiment Commander

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 11:18am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

255 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Marine CO's Office
Timeline: Current


Major Parino glided through the orderly room in search of the CO's office. He was quickly directed to a large set of doors. Jerry rang the chine and prepared to meet his new boss..

Wilhelm was busy going through some reports when he heard his door chime. "Enter.."

Jerry walked into the office and saluted to the Colonel, Sir, Major Parino reporting as ordered."

Wilhelm stood up from behind his desk and returned the salute. "Welcome to the 21st Major. How's the settling in coming?"

"Well Sir I haven't been here long. But I'm looking forward to getting started. What do you have planned for me?"

"Well Jerry, I have so many coals in the fire its hard to keep them straight...If you haven't noticed Third Battalion is planetside. I'm borrowing a company from Second Battalion to do an exercise planetside. As for your First Battalion, they are getting stuck with security detail and training. You personnaly need some time on the holodeck with your men, since this is you first command you could use some simulated in-field experience. I have some "killer" scenarios you could use." Wilhelm said. "Questions? Concerns?"

"None sir, I will get busy with the battalion training right away, I'll spend some time with those sims you speak of."

"Well you best go greet your Battalion then." Wilhelm said standing up then extending his hand. "Good Luck Major."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
CO, 1st Battalion, 21st Marines
USB Typhon


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