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First Battalion 21st Marines

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 11:48am by

442 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Marine deck, 1st Battalion Offices
Timeline: Current


Major Parino wasted no time. His meeting with the colonel had set him on his path to prepare the 1st to good things in the regiment. He was hoping his company commanders felt the same way... As he arrived to his office he announced Commanders call bringing in all three of the company CO's. He needed an Executive officer to help with the training schedule that would drive this unit for the next month. He should have at least one candidate between these men.

Several minutes later he was granted by the presence of Captain Reggie Gaston, a ten year Marine Officer who drove his men very hard. Reggie was a professional athlete before joining and a fitness guru. The second company CO was a young Captain. Jerry was a bit put off with her attitude but saw Amanda Fletcher was a demanding human Female who didn't care for excuses at all. Her company was a very good unit. And third, Captain Gordan Sams. he unlike the others was a direct and quiet leader. He was very familiar to the darker side of the corps. he lead by example and had been known for his effective but cruel tactics in the field. His men had a high respect for him and it was seldom that the 3rd didn't accomplish their assigned goals ahead of schedule.

Parino had sized them up nicely as they talked and it was clear that captain Fletcher was the glue in the battalion for the last few weeks while their wasn't a CO assigned. She had taken care of all the administrative details and worked extra hours to keep the battalion running as a unit. The other Captains weren't very happy about her selection to XO but didn't Argue the matter either as they didn't want the extra paperwork involved with the job ,plus the running of a full company in a full training rotation. They also realized she would be the next promoted if she pulled the feat off...

Parino was happy he had the officers he did, and was surprised they hadn't been taken by other Battalions. He didn't give them a pep-talk as they surely didn't need it. Just told them to egt the machine in order for some battalion training. Urban environment would be first with all three companies. They had ten hours to get them ready. Jerry said he would be out and about checking on their progress and evaluating each excersise.

Beverages were served and the captains dismissed. Jerry sat back and started going over the urban assault course plans...


Major Jerry Parino
1st battalion CO, 21st Marines
USB Typhon


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