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Checking out the Marine

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 3:38am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Basil Hart

574 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Main Sick Bay
Timeline: Current


[Sick Bay]

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg decided it was high time to get his new assignment checkup. Entering the Sick Bay he asked if the Doctor was available.

The attractive young nurse who sat at the reception desk smiled at him. The sign on the bulkhead indicated that her name was Helen Waite. It said, "Anyone wishing to see the doctor except in case of emergency can go straight to Helen Waite." The brass name plaque on her desk confirmed that fact. "Yes, Colonel," she said, "As it so happens, the Doctor has an appointment beginning in about five minutes. If you'd care to wait here, I'll let him know you wish to see him." She got up out of her chair, and walked over the the next room. Coming back a moment later, she sat and smiled again. "He'll be ready for you in a few minutes, Colonel. Please have a seat." She indicated to one of the chairs in the waiting room.

"Not a problem miss..." Wilhelm responded with a mental whistle. Taking his seat he began going over a PADD and thought to himself how he could get that nurse to sign up for the Medic Division of the Marine Corps....

Basil came out into the waiting area a moment later. "Colonel Von Hackleberg! What a pleasure to meet you, Sir! Please step into the exam room and we'll have you back to your troops in no time!" He gestured to a small room with a privacy curtain in the doorway.

"Pleasure to meet you as well Doctor." Wilhelm says as he stands up and walks into the room. "Just watch out for all those little bits of metal and scars you'll find in my hide. I've been in the marines for a long time..."

"Aaahh!" said Basil knowingly, "Souvenirs, I take it." He took his antique stethoscope out of his bag, and placed it against the Marine's anterior chest wall, just two inches from the sternum. "Breathe deeply, please."

Wilhelm complied with the Doctor's request.

Basil placed the ancient device on several other spots, then looked up. "Well, your lungs are healthy, and your heart appears to be in excellent shape. I'll comfirm that with the biobed. "He glanced thoughtfully at the Colonel. "You know, we could probably remove enough of that metal to get you through a security scanner if you wanted."

"Like you said Doc. Souvenirs that are hard earned. Besides I like making those techs nervous." Wilhelm said.

The Doctor chuckled. "I suppose there's something to that. As long as they don't cause problems for your health, we can leave them there." Basil checked the readings on the biobed. "Colonel, you are as healthy as the proverbial horse. Your physiognomy is near textbook for someone five to ten years younger than you are. With the exception of your trophies, everything appears normal. Did you have any questions opf me, or any concerns that you should bring up to me?"

"Not that I'm aware of Doctor." Wilhelm said with a shrug. "Well, I suppose, if that will be all Doctor? I shall return to marine country. Thank you, and I hope my men and I are not going to be frequent customers here..."

Basil nodded and smiled. "From your mouth to God's ears, Colonel."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Starbase Typhon


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