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Supplies, New Blood and A Visit

Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2010 @ 7:53pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Lucas Jackson

685 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: current

Hawkins had been watching the weather patterns and the seismic variations. The coastline where the city had launched had taken a beating and it now appeared they would need some extra equipment to solve that problem. From the shuttle he called Operations on Starbase Typhon.

=^=This is Commander Hawkins I need to speak with the duty Officer in Operations please.=^= As Mike waited he received two incoming messages. Seems he had gained a new cadet, a Richard Poteat. He would be at the station already from the date and time on this message.

Mike sent him a message to be delivered to his quarters while he waited. =^=Cadet Poteat report to operations at your first convenience and request a ride out to Tiberius V with the next shuttle coming our way. Good to have you, and I look forward to meeting face to face.=^=

Lieutenant JG Carter came on the screen and spoke as she did, "This is Lieutenant Carter how can I help you, Commander?" She asked.

"Yes Lieutenant Carter, from the recent data we collected I believe we will need some tectonic equipment to stabilize the coastline near the incident. I also have a favor to ask. It seems I have another Cadet arrived today on the Starbase, I would appreciate you sending him out with the equipment? He should report to you in the morning."

"I can have the equipment ready to go by then and will make sure the Cadet gets on the shuttle as well." She answered.

Mike waited a second then continued, "I may have another passenger as well, A Commodore of Cadets may want to visit and inspect the operation here. I never met him, I didn't even know he was here. So do you think you can help me out here? I certainly do appreciate the effort I am asking."

"I'll contact him as well and make sure he knows when the shuttle will be departing in the morning." Carter replied

'Great, thanks again, I will look for the Equipment and passengers tomorrow afternoon then. If there are any complications please let me know. Hawkins out."
After finished ordering the Seismic equipment he would need he decided to send a message to the Academy Commandant and invite him out to see the Cadets in action. =^=To the office of the Commandant please be advised that we are currently involved with a restoration project on Tiberius V and you are most cordially invited to join us and make an inspection of the operations we are aiding in. Just contact the office of Operations on the starbase and they will accommodate you I am sure. If this does not suit you, I am afraid I do not know how long exactly we will be on site. But, I will contact you on our arrival back at Typhon promptly. Commander Mike Hawkins out.=^=

Luca Ferrari stepped into his office, in which he heard a loud chime coming from. He sat down at his desk, to find that there was a message for him on his computer. The message was from one of his in-the-field instructors, Mike Hawkins. To be honest, Luca didn't know the guy well...He tried to keep a tab on all of his instructors, but that task has been a tricky one with him being so far away.

"Abby!" the rear-admiral shouted. His secretary walked in promptly. "Please get my suitcase and notify Starbase Typhon Operations...We're going on a roadtrip."


" Cadet Richard reporting as ordered." said Poteat, arriving at ops.


Ensign Fox was securing the shuttle when her combadge went off.
=^= Ensign Fox.=^=
=^=This is Typhon Air Traffic Control, you have been assigned to pilot a shuttle to Tiberius V at 0700 hrs tomarrow. You need to prep, and see that the tectonic equipment that is being transported is secured. Also there will be a few passengers, so be ready no later than 0645. =^=
=^=Understood, Control. Fox out.=^=

Dimitra smiled as she thought to herself.
"Wow. the CO doesn't waste time," and she set about preparing the shuttle for the morning excursion.



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