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Captains Station Inspection

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 3:26pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

663 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Shuttle Bay 199
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin walked across the deck heading for the type nine shuttle parked on the ramp. He saw his young pilot waiting by the hatch...

"Hi, care to take me for a short spin around this hunk of metal?"


"Yes, sir! I have been waiting for an excuse for taking a shuttle out. After you, sir" she said, waving her arm towards the hatch.

Fannin smiled and boarded the the shuttle. "Thank you," he took the seat beside the pilot. he buckled up and waited for the door to be secured.


Ensign Fox entered the shuttle, and sat down in the pilot's seat. She secured her restraints and powered up the shuttle. She contacted flight control, and received clearance to depart.
"Any certain route you would like, sir?"

"Lets just take a slow cruise just out side the outer ring so I can get a good look at it. I haven't seen it yet from the outside, especially the defenses."


"Aye, sir." said Dimitra, her hands moving across the controls.

The shuttle lifted and moved forward more smoothly than what seemed possible with the current technology. Outward they maneuvered, until reaching the outer ring. The ensign set the course so that they were traveling counter clockwise at the optimal distance for the CO to get the best view of the defenses.

"We are at your specifications, sir."

Fannin was impressed with the handling of the ship. "Smartly done Ensign, your a skilled pilot, can you fly a Danube class?"

"Aye, sir. I can pilot anything. I have always had a natural ability for piloting. One of my instructors said I had a But I do not remember anyone giving me something to help me be a better pilot. Maybe my parents did before...., I am sorry, sir. I tend to ramble on when I am nervous."

She adjusted their course so Fannin could see the defenses from another angle.

The Captain mad e a few notes on his padd. "Really Dimitra, there's not reason to be nervous. I'm just a passenger on your vessel this your command right now, so relax and enjoy the stick time. I'll be needing a ride tomorrow to Tiberius V to inspect the Marine base. If your available I'd like you to take me there."

Dimitra smiled,
"Really, sir? I would be more than happy to take you anywhere you wish. I am looking forward to getting as much flight time as possible. I feel more at ease out here. Do you wish to observe the base on a non-equitorial course?"

"Sure, Just don't let me forget to check the defenses around the upper communication arrays."

"We are about to pass them now, sir. I had adjusted the course the moment you agreed, and I altered our forward inertia so you wouldn't feel anything. I hope you didn't mind," she said.

The shuttle passed over the arrays so closely that the CO could have touched them if he would have stretched out his arm.

"This is fantastic, he made a few more notes about some corrosion on a few of the masts. "I'll be getting a new captains gig in a few days, not sure what it will be but I'll bet she'll be sharp. Your gonna have to take us out for a spin in that one too."

"Like I said, sir. Any excuse to get out here, and I'm your girl. I have covered the whols station, sir. I'll take you back now," said Ensign Fox as she moved her hands over the controls again. Within minutes she slid the shuttle back on the ramp, smoother than glass.

"I enjoyed the flight with you, sir. Anytime you want to go some where, I will be there quicker than a fly on a corpse," she spoke as the hatch opened.

"Excellent, I'll see you tomorrow then."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Ensign Dimitra Fox
Shuttle Pilot
Starbase Typhon



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