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Engineering A Meeting

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 3:48am by

613 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: USS Alabama
Timeline: 1700 hours

Austin had learned an important lesson: large man plus small Jeffries tube equals very tight fit. He was working with a plasma torch installing a part on the Alabama. He kept thinking he heard something. He stopped his work for a while and listened. Nothing. He shrugged and went back to work. He was working only a few more minutes when he felt someone tap his leg.

He sighed and turned off the plasma torch, wriggling backwards out of the small space. He had to lie down to get out because he was so big. He looked at who had tapped his leg and smiled up at the blond man as he stood up and dusted himself off. "Can I help you sir?" he drawled.

"Lieutenant Chaplin." Joey said, "I've got a few cadets who could give you a hand, if you like."

Austin smiled and took the man's hand. "Lieutenant Greenwood. That would be appreciated. The science console on the bridge has a bit of a quirk. It keeps shorting out. It's not a faulty isolinear chip because they've all been tried. And the replicators in section B of deck 2 got a bug of some kind of them. Right in the middle of the senior officers' quarters. And there's a faulty conduit somewhere between the power of section M of deck 5. And that's just the start!" Greenwood really did have a thick accent.

Chaplin laughed. "I've got a few cadets who are skilled with such repairs. I'll set them to the tasks. Can I assist you personally with anything?"

Austin thought for a moment. "Not really unless you want to do gelpacks," Austin drawled. "Somehow a they got a hold of an entire batch of infected gelpacks. There have been 4 so far in a certain section. We've contained it for now, but we need to check them all."

"Infected with what? I have some minor medical training, as does my assistant, for however long she remains my assistant. With this Bio-neural technology, I actually find it a great skill to have under my belt. It was funny, because I was ridiculed for taking medical classes, as a hobby, and now find it a great way of preserving Gel Packs." Joey noted.

Austin shook his head. "I don't rightly know. I know first aid but that's about it. And make sure those kids know that these gelpacks are under a lot more pressure...all Flynn had to do was touch it and it exploded."

"After... recent events... my cadets are under orders to be excessively careful." Joey noted. His entire demeanor changed. "I'll see if I can get my hands on a medical tricorder, and do some checks, and scans. At the very least, if this is going to be a recurring problem, I'd like to know what readings to look for."

Austin nodded. "There's something in that section infecting them and we're still looking for the cause."

"I don't suppose there's a replicator handy nearby?" Joey asked.

Austin nodded. "In the chief engineer's office." He waited while Joey went to get whatever he needed.

Joey returned with a medical tricorder. "Which section did you say the gel packs were in?"

"Section F of Deck 10, around the port phaser array. We just changed the one in there, but I don't know how long it will stay uninfected."

"Alright. I'll go check it out, if there's nothing you need of me here." Joey noted.

Greenwood nodded. "I appreciate it." He watched as Joey left then went back to his work. He couldn't wait for dinner. Today was a long day.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

LtJG Joey Chaplin
Chief Engineer
USS Alabama


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