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Dinner at Jacks

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 4:20am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

945 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Jack's BBQ and Grill
Timeline: 1813 hours


Tex was sitting at a table at Jack's BBQ and Grill nursing a beer. He took another drink. He was waiting for the captain and his brother. He asked the computer for the time. It was 1813 hours. He was getting antsy and was almost ready to make his order. He was hungry after a long day of training with the troops. He was hungry and was getting tired of waiting.

Fannin stepped into Jacks, he saw Tex and waved as he walked to the table.

Tex smiled and waved then waited for Fannin to sit down. "Have you seen Austin on your way over here?" he drawled.

"No I sure didn't, He should be here soon i would think. The waiter came over and Fannin ordered a drink and some baby back ribs to munch on before the main course...

Tex's eyes widened. He had a large appetite himself, but his appetite wasn't that large. Still, he was hungry so he ordered some cheese fries. Tex had one of those metabolisms that allowed him to eat a lot and a lot of bad foods and still be trim. The ribs and cheese fries got to the table just as Austin walked up. He looked exhausted.

"Sorry about that, guys. Had a lot of trouble with the new Alabama."

Tex didn't say anything except "Have some fries."


Tex gave Fannin an apologetic look, but didn't say a word.

Fannin looked up from his Ribs. "Hey Austin, pull up a chair and chew on a few of these ribs."

Austin sat down and picked up a rib and began to eat. "What a day. If that ship is ready to fly before two months, it'll be a miracle."

The waitress came over. "Can I get you your drinks, sirs, and your orders?"

Tex swallowed his mouth of cheese fries. "Can I get another beer? Baby back ribs with sweet barbecue sauce, fries, and some baked beans."

Austin nodded. "Beer. And some more of these baby back ribs, whiskey barbecue sauce with potato salad and baked beans."

Fannin looked around and saw an opening, "How about a few baked potatoes and a side of ranch you have any cheesy bread?"

Basil was walking along the Promenade when he happened to pass by Jack's Barbecue. Glancing in, he saw the captain having an enjoyable meal. He also saw multiple empty plates stacked up next to his senior officer. He raised an eyebrow, making a mental note to arrange for a 45 minute antacid flush later on...

Fannin saw the Doctor to late to dive under the table, but he did notice a large platter of garlic bread at the next table that was really awesome looking. he shrugged and returned to his chocolate malt and Ribs..

Austin shook his head. "I need to see the counselor. I'm having hallucinations. I think I'm going crazy."

Basil said nothing, didn't slow down, or frown. He just smiled at Austin knowingly, as if to say, "I won't tell anyone the skipper's a glutton." He Passed the restaurant, and headed for a little French restaurant a couple of stalls down.

Things were getting a bit hot for Fannin, with the ships Doc floating around he figured he better get moving while he could and gave his fork a rest...

Tex looked at the captain. "Sir, are you okay?" he drawled.

"Yep, Just full..." Fannin sat back and watched the rest of the diners around him. There was a lot of people walking back and forth outside. Most of them just appeared to be window shopping. He looked at Austin. "Tell me about the USS Orion, how are the repairs going.?"

Austin grimaced. "I don't know what they did to that ship, but it took a beating. The shields and weapons are going well, the EPS relays needed to be repaired in 57 different parts of the ship, there were worn and damaged consoles all over the place, and there is a glitch somewhere between the main deflector and engineering. We're going to be busy with that one for a while."

"They had a bit of drama on their first mission, lost a few crew members too. I would think her captain is eager to get back out on the prowl."

Tex nodded. "I would too after that." He finished his last rib and started to finish his beans. "After a battle like that, I'd like to get out there and do something."

Austin gave Tex a dirty look. "It's not all about battle, Tex. There are other things that are just as important." Austin was remember Naila and how she hated battles.

Tex nodded. Ariba had hated them, too. "Yeah, I know." He was a little more subdued after that.

"Well gentlemen I really need to get to my quarters and get some much needed sleep time in, I have a long shift coming up and don't need to be passing out in the middle of it." Fannin rose from the table and called for the check. he told the waiter to make sure his fellow diners received continued service and that the bill be forwarded to his office..

The brothers looked down at their almost empty plates and Tex said, "Want a float, Austin?"


They wiped their mouths and said thanks to the captain, standing up. "Thank you muchly, captain." Austin said, shaking his hand.

"It was a pleasure to share ribs with you, sir." Tex said, also shaking his hand.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase TYphon

Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

LCol Tex Greenwood
Played by: Austin

LCdr Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer
SB Typhon


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