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Hardening the Diplomatic Arteries

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 3:39am by

597 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Crabby Bob's Crab and Seafood Shack

Faron tripped across Crabby Bob's Crab and Seafood shack, and contemplated the menu posted at the front door. His eyebrow rose at the line 'Foreign Visitors: please consult with your physician prior to ordering.'

Apparently this man offered nothing that wasn't deep fried, and while Faron normally kept his meals vegetarian, like his wife, he was in the mood for something absolutely horrible for him, as his wife had opted to spend her day eating replicated food, while clearing the imports for her plants.

"Welcome to Crabby Bob's." A slightly southern-drawled accent said, as Faron walked in. "Home of the 'if it ain't deep fried, it ain't done died' menu policy."

Faron sat down at a table near the kitchen, and looked at the menu sitting at the table.

"You are in luck." The man added. "We've just literally opened the doors for business, and you are our first customer."

Faron continued browsing the menu, rather entertained by the menu items listed. "I think I'll start off with a Red Brew."

Crabby bob looked him over. "You a fleet man? If so, I won't be able to sell you alcohol until your commanding officer clears that you don't have a shift in the next 8 hours. It'll have to be synthehol."

Faron laughed, and pulled out his ID. "I'm not a Fleet Officer, no."

"Mr. Ambassador. So nice of you to drop by. My apologies for not recognizing you." Crabby bob noted.

"So we'll go with the alcohol. And an extra prawn platter." Faron said.

Crabby bob nodded. "Alright then, Mr. Ambassador."

"Call me Faron." Faron said, as he sat down, and watched the man take every item, except the alcohol, and throw it in the deep fryer.

"Fair enough, Faron." Bob said, as he poured some kind of red stuff from a special pitcher. "You a fan of all things deep fried, Faron?"

Faron shook his head. "My wife keeps me on a nearly strictly vegetarian diet, but I'm being bad today."

"Nobody's perfect." Bob said with a laugh.

A short while later, Bob skillfully used a set of tongs, and some kind of scoop with a built in strainer to collect the prawns. He placed some in a ring around the mug, and the rest on the platter.

"How much do I owe you, Bob?" Faron asked.

"32 Credits in total." Bob noted.

Faron handed his credit stick over. Bob tapped 032 into the credit reader, and the transaction processed automatically.

"Thanks." Bob said with a nod.

Faron smiled, as he stared at the prawns around the mug, and the much larger separate plate of prawns.

"This is good stuff." Faron said, as he dipped a prawn into the red brew, and had finished the prawn in a single bite.

"It's not for everyone." Bob said. "But there are some who enjoy it. That specific brew was designed to be both a drink and a dip at the same time."

Faron nodded. "It works well."

Bob smiled. "I'm glad. I was afraid I was going to have to tweak the recipe a bit."

Faron shrugged. "It could use a bit more bite to it. You might want to try using slightly less ripe tomatoes, or adding crushed jalapeno peppers."

"Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea at all." Bob replied.

Faron sat there, with a padd full of paperwork, and slowly worked both the padd, and the prawns away, late into the afternoon.


Crabby Bob
Crabby Bob's Chief Cook, and Bottle Deep Fryer.
USB Typhon

Played By/With
Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador,
USB Typhon


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