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Settling back into work

Posted on Wed Feb 10th, 2010 @ 6:08am by Captain Anna Johnson

884 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Oriental Tea Room

Anna had only been back a short while and had already gotten word of a new place she had to try for herself. She was going to grab something to eat before heading to the operations station for her shift. As she approached and heard the owner she smiled and approached waiting for her turn. Once she was able to approach she gave a slight bow of respect and started speaking in fluent Japanese, "How are you today?" Anna asked.

Aeshia was speaking in an older dialect, but was roughly similar to translate. "I do good today. How are you?"

"I'm great. I heard about your tea room and decided I would come and get lunch here today." Anna said continuing in Aeshia's native tongue.

"This is good. I'm afraid there isn't much on the menu." Aeshia replied, glad that Anna could speak the older dialect well.

"What do you recommend?" Anna asked.

"Uhm... We have Rice and Stir Fry. And cookies. And tea. And alcohol. Working on getting supplies for more stuff." Aeshia replied.

"I can check into the supplies for you." Anna said, "I am the operations manager. I would life some stir fry with rice and whatever tea you recommend."

"I have big list of tea. There is a pot of plain green tea on the fire right now, however." Aeshia noted.

"Green tea will be fine." Anna said, "Get me the list of things you need before I leave and I'll get the order together and let you know the cost and when it can get here." She added.

"Oriental noodles, and some more herbs would be wonderful. I do not use meat in my food, so the list of things I need are pretty small, and simple." Aeshia said, as she poured Anna a cup of tea. "Have a seat, and I will get your food ready."

Anna pulled out a PADD and made notes of the supplies that Aeshia needed. "Once I get back to my station and find out the cost of your supplies I will get that too you and get them ordered" Anna said.

"This is good." Aeshia said with a nod, as she busily mixed ingredients together in a large wok.

Anna watched her as she worked and sat quietly. She had hoped for some sesame chicken but perhaps she would find a recipe of her own and fix it that evening for dinner. "Are you settling in here okay?" Anna asked.

"It is a nice place here. Some of the base's guests are rude, in regards to certain Japanese traditions, but it's overall not that horrible." Aeshia said, then added, "And I am just glad to have a place to set up shop."

"I hope you do well here. It has been a while since I have had any real Japanese food." Anna replied with a smile..

"I hope to get some of the ingredients for some more traditional vegetarian japanese dishes than just rice and vegetables." Aeshia replied.

"I will make sure to only order the best." Anna replied.

"It will be good." Aeshia said with a nod. "Your stir fry is ready." Aeshia added, as she handed Anna a plate of vegetables, fried in a vegetable oil and herb cocktail.

"Thank you," Anna said taking the food and tasting it using the chop sticks that were provided. If the tea were as good as the food then she was really looking forward to it. "This is very good." Anna said the ate more.

A quick pour of the tea, and Aeshia smiled. "I am glad you like it."

Anna took the tea and tasted it as well and smiled, "I will definitely be back." She said, "Do you want to join me?" Anna asked.

"Not Aeshia's tea time." Aeshia noted. She stared into the pot, watching the leaves.

Anna studied her a moment then continued to eat "I would love to take some of your cookies with me when I'm done eating as well." Anna said still eating the food enjoying every bite of it.

"Cookies are free for you today. Tea leaves say you are working too hard, and should take some more time to relax. Cookies help you relax." Aeshia replied.

Anna smiled, "Thank you very much." Anna said as she finished up her meal and stood to pay. "How much do I owe you for the meal?" Anna asked.

"15 credits." Aeshia replied. There was a 2 credit discount included but she didn't make that audibly known.

Anna dug out her credit stick and handed it to Aeshia to make payment for her meal. "Thank you again it was very good and I will be back." Anna said, "I most likely will bring my sister here as well."

"She welcome here too." Aeshia said in Federation standard, noting another person entering the tea room. She punched in 015 into the payment transfer padd. The scanner beeped, confirming that the payment had gone through, and she handed Anna back her credit stick.

"Thank you for shopping here." She added in Japanese.

Anna made sure she remembered the cookies before she headed out. Now to get back to work.


This post politely not posted actually in Japanese by:

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Operations Officer,
USB Typhon

Aeshai Dew
Tea Nazi
USB Typhon


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