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Man Down

Posted on Thu Feb 11th, 2010 @ 12:49pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams

363 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Deck 77, Holosuite 15
Timeline: Current


Fannin was on the command bridge when he heard the call for security come across the ships com systems... Someone had found the body of Lieutenant Russo unconscious on the Holodeck... Fannin turned and heard the security dispatcher call for commander Darkmoon...

"I'll get a team and meet you there." Krang replied, giving a series of non-verbal commands with hand signals to several of his officers.

Fannin arrived on deck 77 just as Commander Darkmoon was directing the removal of Lieutenant Russo on a gurney bio bed...

"Any cause for injury Krang?" Fannin was puzzled, but not as concerned as the medical attendants were.

"I'm not a med tech, Captain, I only know what they tell me. So far all we know is that he is unresponsive. This seems to be some minor head trauma, but that may be from when he fell." Krang guessed.

Fannin watched as they rushed Russo to the closest sickbay.

Lets see if we can get a hold of the cheif counselor and Intel on this, It troubles me deeply that something strange may have befallen our assistant Security man. Please keep me informed Commander Darkmoon."

Raven was halfway between her office and the lower decks when she got a call to report to holosuite 15 on deck 77. "On my way," she replied and quickly changed the destination of the turbolift.

As she walked into the holosuite she looked around quickly, assessing the overall atmosphere of the room. "What do you need?" she asked the Captain.

"Lieutenant Russo from the Security department was found unconscious in one of the suites, Due to his position I thought it best alert the senior staff."

'Have you looked at the video recording of the session?" she asked.

"Not yet, we just got here ourselves but I'll have to get it." Fannin stepped to the Operator and made the request... Commander Darkmoon, please contact Commander Hart and the cheif counselor and have them check their new patent as soon as possible and let me know of his progress."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lt.Cmdr Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Typhon Security

Lt. Cmdr. Raven Adams
Chief of Intelligence
Starbase Typhon


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