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Concern for the ILL....

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2010 @ 2:12am by Commodore Edward Fannin

238 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Mainsickbay, Contamination control center
Timeline: Current


Fannin was on his lunch break and thought he had better check up on lieutenant Russo in sickbay. He entered the department and could see Russo had been entered into the contamination unit. He was laying face up on the bio bed a ghostly pale. He appeared to be sweating. A young doctor walked out of the unit in a hazard suit and tossed it in a bag in the corner of the chamber and walked out the the second chamber door to Fannin. "Hello captain how can I help you today?"

Fannin put the flowers he brought on the counter, "Just checking up on the Lieutenant. How is he?"

"The patent has a very nasty bump on his head from what appears to be a fall, We have placed him in an induced coma until his brain stops swelling. This should take a few more hours. his vitals are good and he will remain in this vegetative state for a while.."

"That horrible, he did suffer a great fall, I watched the tapes from the holodeck and it appears the luietenant was attempting to span a rock gorge and was attacked by a small bird that had nested nearby, it distracted him and he fell."

The doctor smiled and put his hand on the captains shoulder. "I'm sure he will be fine, the brain is a tricky thing."


Captain Edward Fannin
commanding officer
Starbase Typhon


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