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Investigating Holodeck Accidents

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2010 @ 6:46am by Lieutenant Cole Russo & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Cole woke up in sickbay, and looked around holding the back of his head. He had been struck in the back of the head and now was fighting mad he would get to the bottom of this. He noticed that the Captain was standing beside him.

"Tell me, you found my assailant?" Cole Asked.

Fannin was still in the Infirmary when Cole had regained his senses, he talked through the speaker to the Lieutenant.

"As soon as you are released from here I would suggest you review the tape of your session, if you still believe you have been assaulted, I would get with Commander Darkmoon to investigate the matter. It seems if this would have been an attempt on you life why didn't they kill you as you were unconscious?"

"I don't know, perhaps someone startled them before they could or perhaps they just wanted me out of the way, in either case it may be prudent to discover what there plan is." Cole said.

"I'll leave the matter up to you Lieutenant. I ask that any investigation be done by a different investigator than your self."

Fannin left the infirmary to the Lieutenant and the doctor.

"The security sensors inside the holodeck show you fall, the sensors outside the holodeck show no one enter or leave during your session, the door sensors do not show the doors open during your session from the time that you enter until the security team arrived to find you unconscious." Krang said in his normal voice which contained a deep rumble. Then he continued, "Unless your 'assailant' is invisible and capable of walking through walls, or is so computer savvy that they were able to access active sensor logs and change all the logs for eight different sets of sensors without leaving any trace, I can say with certainty that you were not assaulted Lieutenant."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lt Cmdr. Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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