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Of Questions and Holodecks

Posted on Sun Feb 14th, 2010 @ 11:51pm by

333 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Deck 77 > Holosuite 15
Timeline: Just before Austin Checking In

Austin was working in Holodeck 15, looking at the panel inside the arch. He was checking everything that could possibly be checked. Nothing was wrong except the safeties had been taken offline. The others were the same: nothing was wrong with them at all. A lieutenant by the name of Cole Russo had taken these safeties offline because he wanted to climb. It didn't make sense to him, but then again a lot of things didn't. It was the final holodeck he need to check. He was just putting the panel back on when Anders came in. He looked up at the guy and his hand touched a power conduit as he was moving.

"Son of a...!" he yelled, shaking his hand. Power conduits would do that.

He carefully replaced the panel and looked at Anders. "Any news?"

Matt shook his head. "Sorry, but nothing. I think we're chasing ghosts."

Greenwood stood up. "No, I just found something."

Anders looked up at him curiously. "You did?"

"A slight computer glitch. The safety protocols are offline."

Anders frowned. "Why didn't they put them back on?"

Greenwood shrugged. "Don't know. Might be that they assigned us because they suspected someone for it."

Matt's frown got deeper. "Wouldn't that be the first thing they checked for, though? I mean, isn't that procedure?"

Austin packed up and closed his tool kit. "That isn't for us to say. Might be that they wanted it checked for sabotage, you never know."

Anders looked disturbed. "Yes sir."

Austin looked at his hand. "I'm gonna write up those reports and get my hand looked at. Start on the Orion, it needs to get out of here. It can't just sit at a starbase forever."

"Yes, sir." Anders walked off towards the Orion and Austin walked towards the Sickbay wondering if the man had gotten hurt, and if he did, why hadn't the chief of security checked the safeties.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

MCPO Matt Anders
Played by: Austin


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