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The Convoy

Posted on Mon Feb 15th, 2010 @ 2:49am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

497 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Interior Stardock
Timeline: current


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg was chatting with Captain Wilkens of the armed merchantman SS Barderia. "Thank you for arriving as quickly as you did Captain. I'm on a crunch to get the last materials to Camp Stonebreaker." Wilkens replied, "Not a problem sir you call, we haul..."

A short time later Captain Wilkens of the armed merchantman SS Barderia, was getting ready to depart the station. The Barderia, along with SS Bastion and SS Liberty Run, were going in convoy to deliver the last pieces of equipment for Camp Stonebreaker on Tiberius V. Due to the nature of some of the equipment the three armed merchantmen were brought in.

Everything set, Captain Wilkens activated the COMM, "Docking Control this is TTR 23, requesting permission to depart." A female tech responded, "Permission granted. Space Doors will open in 30 seconds. Safe voyage." Wilkens turned to his pilot, "Clear all moorings, thrusters ahead one third. Inform Liberty Run and Bastion to form up."

Clearing the space doors of Starbase Typhon the freighters formed up into Line Ahead formation. Wilkens turned to his pilot, "Lay in a course for Tiberius V, warp six, engage.

An hour later the pilot heard a proximity alert from the sensor station. Going over to the station he sees four small blips on an intercept with the Convoy. "Captain. We have a problem..." Looking at the sensor station, Wilkens looks at the pilot, "All ships increase speed to warp eight. Hopefully we can leave them behind..." The pilot, watching the sensor screen, sees the approaching ships adjusting course and increasing speed to overtake the convoy. A minute later the computer identified the approaching ships as Orion fighters. "Well that makes them hostile." Wilkens states, then says, "Battle alert, arm micro torpedoes and the pulse turrets. Take us out of warp. Inform Typhon we are about to come under attack."

Droping out of warp the three merchantmen turn their broadsides to the oncoming, sleek looking fighters. Not even giving a warning, the fighters energy weapons lance out at the SS Bastion in the middle of the convoy. As the energy weapons spark off the merchantman's strong shield the merchants return fire targetting the lead fighter. Pulse phaser blast are absorbed into the fighter's shield when they suddenly fail. Impacting the fighter's hull, the ship disintegrates and goes up in a ball of flame.

The fighters fly past the merchentmen as pulse phaser turrets track them laying out wide swaths of deadly energy. Making another pass, one of the fighters fires a torpedo at the bastion. The torpedo impacts with a flash as the merchant's shield could not keep out some of the energy. Continuing fire from the merchants converges on another luckless fighters that is snuffed out. Realizing how dangerous these merchantmen are the two remaining fighters go to warp.

On the Barderia, Captain Wilkens breathes a sigh of relief, "Resume course for Tiberius V."


Captain Jeffrey Wilkens
Commanding Officer
SS Barderia (played by Wilhelm)


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