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Inspecting Medical

Posted on Mon Dec 21st, 2009 @ 3:40pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

248 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Deck 55, Main Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin had escaped the pit once more and was entering the main sickbay of the Typhon, he observed the lobby area was well decorated and even had a few crew waiting to be seen. Ed was greeted by a young Petty Officer and given a good briefing. Several minutes later a very distinguished looking Vulcan man approached him wearing a casual set of scrubs.

"Captain are you Ill?" he looked passive but engaged as to why the Commander was in his lobby.

Edward smiled. "No, I'm very well Sir, my presence here is to ascertain the readiness of this facility."

The Vulcan nodded. "I am Lieutenant Commander Kal'gun, currently supervising this section as cheif surgeon Sir." The Vulcan bowed slightly.

Fannin returned the gesture. The commander began his tour with the captain taking Edward through Two large fully equipped labs and several surgical wrds. Ed saw all the equipment was in place and functional, he asked the commander many question about the function of the new equipment to see what the man would say. He actually knew quite a lot about it. during a walk through of the Triage ward the doctor got a call.

"Excuse me Captain I have been called." With that he was gone. Fannin walked around a bit and met up with the petty Officer again in the lobby. "Please let the Commander know if he needs anything I shall respond to his call."


Captain Ed Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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