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Crawling Through Cargo

Posted on Mon Dec 21st, 2009 @ 12:56am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Jack Tolren

571 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Cargo Bay 250, Deck 575
Timeline: Continuation of "Meeting the Scientist"


The doors to the massive cargo bay opened. Before the two officers was a menagerie of suitcases, barrels and other containers. "This is were I was told a lot of the crew luggage was being stored...I don't know the dimensions of the room, but I can tell that its going to be one hell of a search."

"It's a good job I can lift cases," Tolren replied. "You didn't have anything different in your luggage did you? Something we could scan for with a tricorder?"

"Yeah...I can do some pretty heavy-lifting as well," Lucas paused for a moment. "I have a barbell and kettlebell set made out of cast-iron...I don't know how common that is. I'd suggest looking for some of my other, more rare in make-up belongings, but those are in a different bay," he sighed.

"We look like doing it the hard way then," Jack grabbed a case from the pile and passed it towards Lucas. "Tell me when you see yours."

"Alright....So, where are you from?" Although quite a cliche` question, Luke had to start conversation somehow.

"I was born in Canada on Earth, but as you'll guess from the skin I'm only half-human," Jack replied, handing his a second case.

Taking the case and seeing that it still wasn't his, Lucas set it aside. He hadn't noticed the tint of Tolren's skin until now. "Wow...I didn't even notice! It looks green, correct?" Jackson was pretty good at being able to tell what people are Orion...even though it is a rare occasion. This guy was definitely one.

"Yes, I'm half Orion," Jack replied, selecting another case. "My father was Orion."

Luke tried to sound surprised. "Really? You're half Orion? That's amazing...And such a coincidence. I try to conceal it, but my father was also Orion."

"Well I would never have guessed," Jack said, sounding more surprised. "You're not particularly green, all though, come to think of it, you do look a little unwell."

He chuckled as he passed Luke another case.

"Uh...Thanks? I guess my mom's color genes run pretty strong...My dad's nearly as green as it gets...Or at least he was. When they married, our doctor changed the color of his he could fit in better. Orions aren't necessarily looked upon in a good way," Luke gave a returning laugh, taking the case from Jake. "You know what, I think this is the one." He checked the identification card. "Yep! This is definitely my weight-lifting suitcase..."

"What deck are your quarters on?" Jack asked, placing back the first two cases he had moved.

"26," Jackson paused. "I'm pretty sure all senior officers, including you and the captain are on that deck. I'm told the deck's flooded with workers, though. Perhaps we could set up a mini-lifting area here, for the moment. They should have the main rec areas finished after the holidays."

"Well it beats carrying them to the turbolift," Jack replied. "That corner looks like a good place."

He helped Luke carry the case over into the more secluded corner of the bay, before opening it and unpacking.

"Alright!" Lucas began. "Now we're in business!" He started putting the weights together, and he let up on his Orion "shield" a little bit...


Lieutenant Commander Jack Tolren
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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