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Personal and Equipment Messes

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2010 @ 2:14am by

633 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: USS Orion
Timeline: Current

Austin was working with Anderson on the port phaser array on the Orion; the ship had gone through hell and looked it; the ODN conduits and relays in almost the entire thing had to be replaced. He didn't like it at all. Good thing was that work was progressing much faster than expected; they should be done by the end of the day. Even now a team was working in the lounge to get it ready for when they shipped out. Nunez sighed as she pulled out some more burned out conduits.

"So what do you intend to do when we're done with this hulk?" she asked as she brought him more relays and conduits.

Austin spared her only a moment's glance before responding, "I'm going to start working on that Romulan freighter we just got in," he drawled. "They barely trust us, but it's a good way to show them they can by getting them ready soon as possible."

Anderson didn't say anything at first. She didn't trust Romulans, probably with good reason. "There's going to be a new Romulan ambassador onboard. What do you think she's going to be like?"

Austin shook his head. "I don't know." He replaced some burnt conduits and put in new ones, then started on the EPS conduits. "Just have to wait and see. Maybe LCdr Jameson will tell us. Then again, we're pretty low on the totem pole, so he probably won't."

"Unless we get into trouble with one of her assistants."

Austin gave her a look from where he was crouched. "That's enough, Anderson." He wasn't angry, but he had had enough of Nunez looking for trouble to talk about. "She ain't even here yet and you're looking for a fight. Just stay away from them if you know you're going to have trouble."

Austin turned back to his work. Taylor was always too talkative for his tastes. She was too talkative for everyone's tastes, yet somehow Austin always seemed to end up pulling the short straw. It wasn't that she wasn't a nice person; it was just that she never shut up, much like Emily O'Boyle. Austin was just thinking of the kind of catfight that would ensue if these two women ever worked together, when someone walked in.

It was Ens Mitchell and, wouldn't you know it, CWO2 O'Boyle. Austin had forgotten that they too were working on the port side. Mitchell let out a low whistle as he looked at the mess. "And I thought I saw the worst of it with the EPS relays in those corridors."

Austin grimaced. "Ya'll saw that, huh? I heard of one other being scorched so badly that it fused the relay and the surrounding plastic together. Others shorted out all over the ship.... Only things I've seen that could do that were an energy-attack weapon used by the Jem'Hadar and a Romulan plasma beam if it hit the right spot."

Emily smirked at Tyrone.

"But that level of damage wasn't in all of them. Something else was up. I think those three just got hit when they were about to need to be replaced."

A thoughtful look came over Emily's face as she nodded. "That's right. Because they're extremely hot already, get even hotter when they're about to short out, and this just made it worse."

Austin nodded. "We still need to do the shields, so why don't you two get started on that? Be prepared for anything."

Mitchell looked at him. "More burned conduits in here?"

Taylor shook her head. "No, but be ready to replace a good bit of them in there, all the relays and most of the isolinear chips."

Mitchell sighed. Another long day.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

Ens Tyrone Mitchell
CWO2 Emily O'Boyle
CRec Taylor Anderson


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