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Posted on Tue Feb 16th, 2010 @ 1:10pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

222 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Academy shuttle, Fannins ready room

Richard disembarked form the shuttle, and checked in with the senior officer of the shuttlebay. It was a Lieutenant jg, wearing command colors. " Cadet Richard Poteat." said Poteat. The CO checked the manifest. " Ah!" he said. " Welcome to Starbase Typhon."

"Thank you sir.' Poteat said. He then received directions to the CO's office. He boarded a lift for that destination.

Upon arrival at ops, he pressed the CO's control panel. " Captain?" he said.

"Please enter." Fannin put the drawings of a small shuttle down on the table.

"Cadet senior grade Richard Poteat reporting as ordered, Captain." Said Poteat.

"Very well Poteat, have a seat, I believe you will be assigned to Commander Hawkins group of cadets. Tell me how was your trip to Typhon."

"Eventful, sir." said Poteat. The OIC of the runabout allowed me to have some time at the weapons." said Poteat

"Good, I'm sure that was fun and took up some flight time."

"It did, sir." said Poteat.

"Your Cadet Commander must be happy with your flight and gunnery skills. Have you talked with the Commander yet?"

"Not yet, sir".

"Well I suggest you get with him, he's waiting for you to report I'll guess, good luck and I'm sure I'll see you out and about"


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Cadet Poteat
USB Typhon


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