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Stonebreaker Visit

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2010 @ 3:38am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,282 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Tiberius V, Camp Stonebreaker
Timeline: Current


The captains shuttle touched down with out a bump... The hatch opened and Fannin bounced out into the fresh air he had longed for the last Ten Months....

Wilhelm then exited the shuttle taking a deep breath of the fresh air, "You can't beat the real stuff can you sir..."

"Sure can't, weather is fantastic here." Edward shook the Colonels hand as several Escort fighters flew over.

"Well Captain, I do believe they have a tour planned for us including the recently arrived defense systems and the underground bunkers, joy...." Wilhelm said.

Fannin laughed. "Well I don't want to disappoint them..."

A Corporal came up to the two officers "This way to the Command Bunker sirs." Wilhelm replied with a sigh, hating inspections, "Lead the way Corporal."

Captain Fannin caught up to the Colonels staff and was introduced to several Marines as they entered the command bunker. All pr-fab it was actually very sophisticated. He was given a cup of coffee and listened to the Marine Captain give his briefing.

The Marine Captain looked at his two superior officers and started his briefing, "Captain, Colonel. Welcome to Camp Stonebreaker. First off, this base will be fully functional within the week, when Third Battalion returns to the Starbase. My Company will stay here to garrison for the next month. However, if the need arises this facility can accomadate two full battalions. The base itself has two, recently installed, pulse phaser turrets, one photon torpedo launcher, and two micro torpedo launchers, with various smaller anti personnel and material weapons around the perimeter. Facilities include a obstacle course, live fire range, barracks, and medical and recreational facilities. For bunkers, there is this Command Bunker along with three other bunkers for weapon storage, power generators and a fallback bunker...."

As the briefing drug on Wilhelm stifled a yawn while wondering if this Captain needed some time on the grenade course....downrange. Finally coming to an end Wilhelm said, "Well Captain that was very informative, I do believe we should take the nickel tour now..."

"Lead on Colonel. I'm interested in seeing the place." Fannin thanked the Captain for his briefing.

The two officers exit the bunker and Wilhelm steers them for the obstacle course. Along the way Wilhelm looks at the Captain and says, "Did you get my report on the trouble the last convoy here ran into? I'm just glad it wasn't a concentrated effort."

"Yes I received the message from the bridge, I'm sure that's why my escort was an entire squadron of Valkyries. Your guys did a good job of eliminating a few of them."

"The merchants took out two of them and demanded a bonus to boot! Well worth it though." Wilhelm finished as they came up to the fairly standard obstacle course with a couple of marines running through it. "Care for a go sir?" Wilhelm said with a smile, "If you refuse I'll agree with you, getting to old for it anyway.."

Fannin laughed, "I stopped playing with these things when I left the corps, I do miss it sometimes but know better..."

"Ohh yes sir. It's been awile since I ran the course to. I suppose we should wander over to the firing range, I do have a surprise for you over there sir." A few minutes walk brought them to firing range and a burly Staff Sergeant came up to them and gave them ear and eye protection. Nearby they could see a squad of marines doing fire drills with phaser rifles. Guiding the Captain over to an unused stretch of the range. Wilhelm motioned a nearby marine over. He was carrying two antique, flintlock Baker rifles with cartridge boxes and ammo pouches. "Now I insist we do this sir. When do you get a chance to fire a flintlock?"

"Interesting, I've never messed with one of these old guns, read a bit about them."

"As you should know sir reading and using are two different things sir. These two rifles are mine and I haven't had a chance to use them in awhile. They frown on their use in shuttlebays..." Wilhelm said indicating a much longer story. "Pretty simple though sir. I had these two preloaded so you wouldn't have to worry. These are before the conical shaped bullets so they still use ball...." Wilhelm said while slinging on the cartridge box and ammo pouch and taking hold of one of the rifles, "...but this is one of the first mass produced sniper rifles, with reports of accurate hits up to 600 yards, compared to 100 to 150 of the smoothbores, but enough of the history lesson, basicly bring the cocking mechanism to full cock, aim and fire at the targets I had put down range. Ohh little reminder hold the stock tight in your shoulder or you might be giving the medics some business today." Wilhelm finished as he took a spot on the firing line while holding at port arms.

Fannin grabbed the rifle and cartridge box. As he stepped forward he told the colonel to fire when ready..." Fannin knew about this variant, used in the peninsular campaigns in the 1800's. He wondered if this was loaded with paper or a small greased wad...

Wilhelm chose on of the closer, smaller targets, cocked, aimed, and fired with a boom. After the powder smoke cleared Wilhelm seen the hit a thumbs width away from bullseye at 100 yards. Taking out a paper cartridge, Wilhelm bit off the end and poured the powder into the barrel. Next he took out a small patch of greased cloth and a ball. "In your own time sir..."

Fannin lowered the rifle and fired, His ball went wide and he started to reload. The basic time for a skilled rifleman took between Thirty seconds. As he rammed the ball home he had done it in just under a minute, pretty respectable for a old Marine corpsman.

Finishing reloading well before the Captain. "That didn't take you very long sir." Wilhelm said watching the Captain reload, "I'm going for the mark at 300 yards." Taking aim and firing Wilhelm sees the bullet hit at the very outside of the paper, "Out of practice." He mumbles.

Fannin fired, as far as he knew he hit the second target but he wasn't sure where he hit it. He was reloading as Staff sergeant told hit it was a good hit.. his reload time was faster the second time.

Reloading for the last time Wilhelm decided to go for the farthest target at 450 yards. Getting into a crouching stance to steady himself he exhaled a half breath and fired. A plume of dust could be seen behind the target. The Staff Sergeant reported a hit....barely.

Fannin could barely see the target at four fifty, He fired and was wide right again. He cleaned out the barrel with a patch. "That was great, sure would hate to be on the end of one of those balls."

Likewise starting to clean the weapon Wilhelm responded. "No doubt. Those balls usually shattered bone. Well I think next we should "inspect" the O Club and its synthehol. You can keep that rifle and gear as a souvenir and hopefully we could do this again. Ohh, if you were wondering why I have such an interest in weapons like these, is that I owe my title to that rifle."

"Thank you, it's a wonderful gift, I shall use it often. I agree I have some time if your up for a stop at the Club." He handed the rifle to one of his staff...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon


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