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Archangels Arrive Typhon

Posted on Sat Feb 20th, 2010 @ 2:01am by Commodore Edward Fannin

238 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Inbound
Timeline: Current

Commander Mann had the the formation of Twenty Four Razors spread out in a tactical formation while on the joint excersize. His pilots eager ti deploy against anything that could remotely pop up as a target. He flew the lead formation on his approach to the starbase and was ready to end this phase of the deployment. He knew his pilots were done too, they had been escorting there own supply ships for several weeks. The opportunity to get the training done on the way was time well spent and things in this unit were running very well. The trip had be pretty boring as few would attempt to interfere with a full unit this size with their own resupply.

The supply vessel USS Hendricks docked first Then the USS Bunker Hill. These Two ships would be unloading and returning to Earth for their next mission. The archangels would be staying at Typhon. the recent buzz was the selection of the squadron handle, most had voted for it and insignia made. All wore the patch. After the support ships were safely in the archangels started landing. It went very well as Mann was the first in and parked. He watched the rest of the squadron roll in and got them squared away. He had restricted them to quarters until he could report in to the captain.


Lt. Commander Thomas Mann, (NPC)
100th Air group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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