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First Battalion Alert

Posted on Sat Feb 20th, 2010 @ 2:30am by

360 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Deck, Typhon
Timeline: Current


Jerry was standing on the Shuttle bay deck watching his battalion stand down from the last drill on board. He was happy with the work done getting them put together Captain Fletcher had done very well with the Companies. he had noticed most of the Marines were in high spirits and ready to go to Tiberius Five for their rotation for field training. Couldn't keep them on the starbase very long before they got into the routine drama and destruction just waiting to happen. His plan to make Fletcher the XO of the Battalion had also went well . She was a very driven Marine who should have been given the opportunity to command a long time ago. Her administrative skills had been valuable getting things put together and the company Commanders held her in high regard and supported her position after they saw she was willing and capable of all Marine field duties. What they didn't know was she had separated her kneecap during a holodeck excersise the fourth day of training and didn't even break stride.

Parino was pleased. He saw sergeant Major Varnic and waved him over. The senior NCO was in full armor and carrying his full issue, which made him look like a house was stacked on his back. "Yes Sir." he slurred as he approached the Major.

"Can you make sure that our Captain gets over to medical after she's done, I need her to get that knee checked out."

Varnic was hard to understand on a good day, his accent so thick you couldn't make sense of much he said when he was talking, but when he was yelling he was very clear.

"Are the boys off tonight sir?" he had an evil lear on his lined face...

Jerry nodded, "Yes they are, but tell them I'm standing in as the brig officer tonight. and if I see see any of them in it there will be hell to pay."

"Yes Sir." Varnic floated off towards Captain Fletcher who was briefing a few Marines on where she wanted some equipment loaded at....


Major Jerry Parino
CO, first battalion, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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