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Avalon Building project

Posted on Sat Feb 20th, 2010 @ 2:33am by Commodore Edward Fannin

382 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Tiberious V, sector 23905
Timeline: Current

The landing area was the first to appear, it took most of the night. A nice flat area was located close by on the ridge of a high level plain. The site was already home to several large pieces of heavy equipment moving the pre-fab living quarters down the Ridge to a expanding settlement that would house the workers during the construction phase.

Engineers landed at first light and began laying out the build site as the portable living quarters where established. Everything was proceeding to plan and most appeared to actually be taking their time getting things set up. Dining areas were put up for lunch and many of the workers were moved in before dark. The place looked like a small village and a road was constructed for passage from the build site to the small city. during the process several test and environmental engineers walked about ensuring that certain areas weren't disturbed and lake front areas were off limits.

Gerald walker had been building for thirty years, this was one of his smaller projects of late. his ability to get things done and overall good judgment was the reason he was talked into coming all the way out for the build. That and the fact that he would receive a ton of money and a upscale villa once the job was completed. Gerald was vested in the project and eager to begin. he had met Roman Charon and wasn't thrilled with working with the man at all. He considered Charon a common thug and avoided him as much as possible. The labor contract stated what was expected of him and a detailed description of his responsibilities. Charon was warned not to shake down his people or he would walk off the job..

After several meetings with the design team and a huge breakfast he grabbed his padd and three assistants and got to work getting the foundation to the first tower secured. It would take several days to start erecting the towers. Two inspectors were basically watching and recording his every move. no margin of error as they were hired by Avalon to keep the insurance side happy. Walker got things moving quickly and ignored the inspectors.. It would be a long week....


Avalon build Project
Tiberius Five


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