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If it isn't one thing it is another

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 9:40pm by

391 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: climate control station tiberius V
Timeline: current

The Seismic problem was worse then at first appeared, the shuttle carrying the equipment was delayed due to a newly found minefield. Hawkins watched the crack in the coastal plain shift ominously and a burp appeaered in the ocean floor. With the delicate balance currently being maintained with the planets Eco-systems any disturbance could have wide reaching consequences. A storm front was moving in from the sea and when it met the high wves cause by the contintenal shelf shifting a significant storm was created.

A tideal wave several miles wide and nearly a hundred feet high formed and was spedd ing toward the coast at nearly eighty miles an hour. Hawkins ordered the coastal base abandoned, and took as much of the Equipment as could be loaded quickly. Lee was monitoring the wave and the shuttles left as soon as they were loaded. They would head for the Marine base higher up in the Mountains.

The last shuttle to leave was the Cadets and Commander Hawkins. They launched with the tidal wave in view and were recording it as lifted into the air. Without any warning a bolt of lighting struck the shuttle and fried the flight control systems. Mike was in the rear of the shuttle as it went into a spin and was thrown across the compartment. He never knew what happened as the shuttle tilted and crashed into the sea.

Mandy was in the pilots seat as the controls became unresponsive and the Shuttle went into a flat spin, With no way of compensating She yelled,"Grab hold of somthing!" Patrick was bending over a crated buckle just finished buckling it as was flung across the shuttle. Talon was smacked into a crated he was securing, the last one brought aboard. Lee Quan was in the co-plots seat and he tried to reach for the controls as the sea smacked the nose and flipped the shuttle end over end.

The Sea rolled the shuttle ashore and then back out to sea. Between the sea, the coastal rocks and the violent bouncing the shuttle had sustained several breaches in the hull. Which meant it filled with sea water and sunk rather quickly as it was dragged back out to sea. No systems online, it drifted toward the bottom a lifeless alloy shell no distress signal ever sent.


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