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Pre-Mission Checkup: Jackson

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2010 @ 12:19am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Basil Hart

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Prior to Yellow-Alert


Being standard procedure to get a physical before an away-mission, Luke wanted to get it over with as quick as possible. He never cared much for medical areas, or at least StarFleet's. They were always so bland and uninviting, with completely distasteful doctors to match. The spotless look of everything just was a turn off to the science officer. He stepped through the large sickbay doors. With a slight eye-roll, he waited for a nurse to greet him.

The attractive young nurse who sat at the reception desk smiled at him. The sign on the bulkhead indicated that her name was Helen Waite. It said, "Anyone wishing to see the doctor except in case of emergency can go straight to Helen Waite." The brass name plaque on her desk confirmed that fact. "Yes, Commander," she said, "As it so happens, the Doctor has an appointment beginning in about five minutes. If you'd care to wait here, I'll let him know you wish to see him." She got up out of her chair, and walked over the the next room. Coming back a moment later, she sat and smiled again. "He'll be ready for you in a few minutes, sir. Please have a seat." She indicated to one of the chairs in the waiting room.

"Alright, thank you, ma'am," replied the eager commander. He scanned over the nurse as he sat in the closest chair. Not bad, he thought to himself.

Basil poked his head into the waiting room a few moments later. His clipped British accent rang cheerfully through the room. "Next victim... Er, I mean, PATIENT!" He grinned boyishly."

The nurse pointed to Luke and motioned that he was up. Getting up from his seat, Luke rolled his eyes. Hopefully this is isn't one of those witty docotrs, he thought. Jackson was just looking for someone to check him over, but he also wanted someone who he could relate to.

Basil closed the curtain. "Have a seat on the bio bed, Commander." He reached into an old-looking leather bag, and pulled out an antique stethoscope. Placing it on his ears, he put the metal disc near Luke's sternum. It was cold, even through Luke's uniform. "Breathe normally." Basil instructed.

Shivers raced down Luke's spine; cold was not his forte`. His breathing was always a little heavier than what others dubbed 'normal,' so he tried to lighten it up. Lucas set his arms down on the bio bed, gripping the edges. He inhaled, then exhaled...normally.

Basil continued to work, placing the stethoscope on other parts of his chest. "Well," he said conversationally "I'm not hearing any congestion in the lungs. Your heart sounds good. Let my just get a few readings from the biobed." He removed the antique from his ears and hung it from his neck. After looking at the biobed for a moment or two, he frowned. Commander, it appears that while your overall health is good, there are a couple of key nutrients which are a little low in your bloodstream. Probably something to do with your unique genetic makeup causes you to burn through these two nutrients faster than normal. One is Potassium, and the other is Magnesium. I can give you a shot which will take care of it for a few days, but I want you to make some changes in your diet so you don't have to get shots every week or two." He handed Luke a data rod. "This contains my prescription for the changes in your diet which should take care of your mineral deficiency."

Luke sighed, but he had seen it coming. Maybe this will help with my muscle spasms, too, he thought. He grabbed the rod from the doctor, giving a small laugh at the words he was about to say: "Well...I guess that means more bananas! On a serious note, though, what do these nutrients do to my body? I'll follow your orders, but, really, how critical are they?"

"Well, if you want to be free from debilitating cramps and spasms in your muscles, the potassium will do you good. Magnesium aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and also plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth. Magnesium also is vital for maintaining a healthy heart. It also helps maintain proper muscle function. It works to keep muscles properly relaxed, too. I could give you warnings about not getting enough of these two minerals, but ultimately it's up to you how much time you want to spend in sickbay." He smiled at the officer.

Jackson grimaced at the thought of being in a sickbay more than he had to. "Don't worry...I will add your suggestions into my diet...I just wanted to know what they actually did for me. Medical Science is not my thing. Or at least, not by my choice." Attempting to continue on a somewhat good conversation, Luke continued, "So...What made you decide to come to the Typhon?"

Basil thought for a moment. "Well, it may sound simplistic, But I saw an opening as things were starting up, and I applied. I suppose a just wanted to see how different practicing aboard a starbase would be." He shrugged and smiled. "It's certainly more busy than I had anticipated."

The science officer thought on this for a moment, before saying, "I guess we're kind of in the same boat...And I must agree with you: The starbase is certainly more busy. Its nice that the facilities are more abundant, though. There are tons of science labs here. Only a Stardock-Class starbase could out-rank it."

Basil grinned. "That's true, Commander. Well, was there anything else you wanted to ask me?"

"Not at the moment," Jackson sighed. "It's just good to know that we have a doctor that won't drive me insane." Luke laughed a little, hoping the officer wouldn't find that offensive.

"Well, if I do, there's an excellent station Counselor to put you back in your right head." Basil chuckled. "Take care, and let me know how the diet works out. I'd like to see you again in a few days, just to make sure your mineral levels are up to snuff."

Lucas smiled. "You can count on me. If that is all, I should probably get back to my post." Jackson planted his feet on the ground and stood up from the bio bed, awaiting a confirmation to leave.

Basil nodded. "Off you go. Remember to set an appointment on your way out."


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer,
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Starbase Typhon


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