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Passing on Information

Posted on Tue Feb 23rd, 2010 @ 4:25am by Commander Raven Adams
Edited on on Fri Oct 16th, 2015 @ 10:47am

497 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Typhon CIO's office and Orion CO's office
Timeline: current


Raven hated going over reports. So, to keep her sanity while staying informed, she turned the job over to Edgar, her AI raven. He could review and collate the reports in a fraction of the time it took her to read them. And he remembered everything

She'd instructed Edgar to inform her of anything she needed to be aware of, as most of the data did not affect her or the starbase. And Edgar could file it all away for later retrieval if it ever became necessary.

Raven was reading over data on the starbase's civilian businesses when Edgar began to squawk.

"What is it, Edgar?" she asked.

"Nothing definitive. However OreCo seems to have received a Federation contract to mine Tiberius IV without the information being made public."

Raven looked at Edgar. "They what?"

"They were given mining rights to Tiberius IV without putting in a bid and without any public announcement about Tiberius IV," he repeated.

"Interesting. Send the data to my computer. What is the current status of the mining operation?" Raven asked.

"I presume you mean on Tiberius IV? Mining is currently on hold. A cargo ship left one week ago with mining equipment and crew. It vanished without a trace. So did a Federation shuttle that was sent to investigate. The USS Orion will leave within 36 hours to investigate."

"The Orion?" Raven had met the commander on a recent trip to Tiberius X. "Where is the Captain right now?"

"Commander York is currently on the Orion." Edgar flew back up to his perch on the wall and watched, knowing that he would not be needed for a while.

Raven immediately put in a call to Sam on the Orion. "Samantha, this is Raven Adams on the Typhon."

"Oh, yes. I remember you," Sam replied. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm good, but I've got a puzzle that may concern you. It involves Tiberius IV."

That caused Sam to sit up straighter. "Tiberius IV? We're headed there tomorrow."

"I know. OreCo, the company that sent the miners, got a contract without the information becoming public." Raven didn't explain further. She didn't think there was a need to.

Sam sat up straighter. "Then someone's either leaking information or OreCo is involved in espionage and cyber crime."

"That's what I was thinking. Do you have a Chief Intelligence Officer on board?" Raven asked.

"One was just arrived on board. I haven't met him yet," Sam replied. She'd just received word of the last-minute assignment.

"Good. Have him contact me as soon as he gets settled. I'll send him a report. There's not much information yet, but it might be of help in your investigation."

"Thanks, Raven. I'll let you know if we find anything on our return to Typhon."

"Good luck," Raven said with a smile. "Adams out."


Commander Samantha York
Chief Science Officer
Acting CO
USS Orion

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Edgar (NPC)
Starbase Typhon


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