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**Backpost** Security Checks

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2010 @ 3:51am by Lieutenant Cole Russo

309 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Docking Port 10
Timeline: During Yellow Alert

When Austin came to the freighter the next day with the parts he needed he saw two different security officers. He didn't like it. Where were Russell and the other guy?

He recognized the security officer on the right from his phaser certification. Wasn't his name Russell too? He was bad with names. "Everything alright? Russell, was it?" He was terrible with names.

"Russo, Lt. Russo." Cole said. " And do you have business down here? We're locked down at yellow alert."

Austin pressed his lips together. Did the guy not think that he knew that? He was an engineer, but that didn't mean he didn't know his alert statuses. "I know that." His drawl got thicker in his agitation. "I'm here to finish fixing their stasis pods and their plasma coils."

"Is that authorized and essential work? Do you have a work order?" Cole asked.

Austin towered over the man and found him to be very small, but nonetheless pulled out his work order and showed it to the guy. All he needed now was for the guy to say that his work order wasn't valid.

"Stay here I'll have to check this." Cole said as he walked over to a wall council and checked with ops. " Alright you may go, it is not a priority assignment but it was authorized."

Austin took the work order from the guy and mumbled his thanks before boarding the freighter. If he had known what was going to be waiting for him, he would have shown up earlier to get to the stasis pods earlier.

After he entered the airlock, he heard the security officer call back to him and he turned. "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"I'll be watching you," Cole said.

Austin shook his head. Security officers.


Lt Cole Russo
Asst Chief Security Officer
SB Typhon

Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon


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