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A Bit of Skullduggery Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2010 @ 3:45am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

634 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Docks
Timeline: Before Diplomatic Discourtesy


[Interior Dock]

Staff Sergeant Krupp and his team of marines were busy wandering around the docks of the starbase. One problem they had, as with all personnel of militaries, they had a tendency of falling into step. Krupp noticing this, "Wilks! Damn man. You keep on doing it and your making the rest of us do it!" Krupp said to Sergeant Wilks, "Sorry Staff...Otto. Just habit you know." Wilks said to the older sergeant remembering their covert orders. "Well unlearn that damn habit right now you're gonna blow it for us..." Krupp stated while looking back at the two warrant officers with grins on their faces.

Tuvall piped in, "Well that Bolian ship didn't have anything." Hearing a beep from his concealed combat tricorder. "I guess the Romulan is next down the line?" Warrant Officer Willey looked down the line of ships ahead of them, "Yes it is..." Willey finished as he glanced at his medical tricorder. "No one around here has any exposure so gents..." Willey said as he motioned toward the next freighter.

Along the way Wilks looked Krupp "What was with that little look you got from the Colonel about a photon grenade?" Otto replied, "Because I know he has at least one of them on him at all times.." Hearing this Wilks thought about it a second and said, "I didn't see one anywhere... How would he hide something like that?" Otto smiled, "Look in the heels of his boots. He has at least one minituarized one, besides thats not all he has on him besides issue..." Wilks looked back surpised while walking around a Tellarite merchant, "What else does he have? It couldn't be that much?" Otto replied, "Well, I know for a fact he has a old-school KABAR knife in one boot, A mini Romulan disruptor in the other, no idea where he got that or even why. He also has a special holster at the small of his back holding some throwing knives and a very old Army 1911 Colt. Family heirloom I'm told. Once, I've even seen him using some kind of spring blade coming out of his sleeves. Hell, you should see him walk through a weapons scanner, it lights up like a firework display." Otto finished as his group neared the Romulan ship with a guard standing outside the airlock.

The marine team wandered over to a nearby stall pretending to look at items while they waited for their equipment. "You sir!" The stall's merchant said while looking at Otto, "I'll sell you this antique Bajoran staturette for only 30 Credits!" Otto just kept his eyes straight, not looking at the merchant, "OK, 20 Credits. I have kids to feed!" Otto showed continued disinterest, "Fine then, 15 and I'll throw in this imitation Klingon dagger!" Hearing a beep in his ear from his scanner Otto and the rest of the team left the stall while shooing off the very insistant merchant.

"Well that ship isn't it." Krupp said, "I agree." Tuvall said, "None of the guards have been near anything except an Orion call girl." Willey said glancing at his tricorder, "Speaking of which, I didn't know there were any on the station...hmm." Willey said. "Well next one boys..."Krupp said, "We might have to stop at a little pub I know out on the outer docking ring of the station. They have Andorian Ale with an alcohol content of lighter fluid..Ohh, better tell the Colonel it's not the Romulans, we also might have to tell him to meet us at the pub too...." Krupp finished with a smile.


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
181st Raiders / 21st Marines

Sergeant Jeffery Wilks
21st Marines

CWO2 Chuck Willey
21st Marines, Combat Medic

CWO2 Tuvall
21st Marines, Explosive Artificer

NPCs played by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg


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