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Mindful Meeting

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2010 @ 5:05am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Raven Adams

514 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
Timeline: Current

The Chief Science Officer walked into the Intelligence Offices. Upon looking around, he noticed that the area was vacant. A thought of Old-West ghost-towns from Earth came to mind. Surprisingly, the Chief Intelligence Officer was in—this being indicated by a small, blinking light next to the door. He rang the chime, hoping to be greeted by a pleasant officer.

"Come in," Raven called. "Sorry. I usually keep my door open but I've been moving things around and I didn't want anyone tripping."

Luke looked around. "That's quite alright, ma'am. I don't even think I've been in my quarters more than ten times in the two and a half months I've been on board." Lucas gave a small chuckle, trying to make things seem casual. "I don't believe we've met before...I'm Lucas Jackson, the starbase's Chief Science Officer." The man outstretched his arm towards the young woman.

Raven had been moving an empty box to a stack of empty boxes. She stood and shook his hand. "Raven Adams. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Luke added. "I wish we could have met on more informal terms, but I am really here on official business." The officer paused for a moment, looking at her with dark, black eyes. "I was sent over to see if you need any help with the Romulan mines. If we can get the sensors to detect them, Astrometrics can easily integrate them into the map of the area."

"It shouldn't be too difficult. Romulan cloaking devices give off tachyon particles," Raven replied with a shrug. "I'm sure you will be able to detect them now that you know to look." Tachyon particles were not something you normally searched for so it was easy to miss a cloaked mine. "You should be able to pinpoint the other eleven mines that way."

"I can recallbrate the Astrometrics sensors, if you'd like," Luke answered with a smile. "Is there anything else you need?"

"If you can find out how long they've been there..." Raven replied. "I'm not sure if that's possible, though. Not with a scanner, anyway."

"Probably not," Luke gave back with a sigh. "Although...We keep highly detailed records of past scans. We don't normally look for the tachyon particles, as you said, but they are bound to be burried somewhere within the scan. If we can find them, we could see when they started appearing."

"That would be of great help," Raven replied. "If we could pinpoint the approximate time the mines were deployed, that would help us track down the person who put them there."

The man stayed on the thought for a moment, then spoke, "Alright...If that is all, I will get to work on searching through the database."

"That's all for the moment. There may be more later," she said with a shrug.

"It was nice meeting you, Ms. Adams." Luke quick gave her one more glance before he got up and walked out of the room.


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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