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A big mistake...

Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2010 @ 3:00am by

918 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Docking Ring

"Attention, attention. Private Shuttle Craft Chilkoot is departing in 15 minutes. All passengers, please board immediately." The announcer said.

Ambassador Faron Lenar approached the waiting area of the civilian Docking Ring. An interesting piece of news had been flagged to his attention, and he had to say his goodbyes.

He saw two individuals, one of which he originally mistook for human, until her hair shifted, showing off her tipped ears.

"That's your shuttle, is it not?" The vulcan woman asked.

The man, Ambassador Lenar could easily identify.

"Yeah. They can give us another 5 minutes, Amber." Lieutenant Junior Grade Joey Chaplin replied.

Faron decided this was not quite his time to make his appearance known.

The woman, Amber, apparently, sat there, looking down at her shoes. Joey touched her hand in a comforting gesture, which brought a smile to the woman's face.

Amber looked at her PADD. "Pinnacle. That's the base that has that opening for a civilian installer for the Security Innovations program."

Joey smiled. "I'll make sure to drop a letter, every now and again."

She looked up at him. "Professor Chaplin, do you really expect to have time to write your old section Chief a letter?"

Joey shook his head. "Nope. But I can make time to write a letter to a friend."

Amber laughed. "Not too bad, Joey. I've heard worse attempts at a pick-up line."

Joey blushed. "It wasn't a pick up line attempt."

Ambassador Lenar stepped forward towards the two. "Am I interrupting?"

Joey looked up, shocked.

"Not at all." The woman said, recognizing the diplomatic dress uniform, with an Ambassador's pip.

Joey smiled. "Ms. Amber Frost, may I introduce Ambassador Faron Lenar."

Faron smiled. "Ms. Frost." He said with a nod.

Amber nodded back. "Ambassador."

"Attention, attention. Private craft Chilkoot is departing for earth in 10 minutes. Would all passengers please report to Docking bay 2-19." The announcer noted.

Joey looked down. And Sighed.

"Attention, attention. Private craft Chinook is departing for USB Pinnacle in 15 minutes. Would all passengers please report to Docking bay 2-15." The announcer noted.

Amber frowned. "That's my call. Gentlemen, I will give you time to say goodbye."

Joey watched her leave, and Ambassador Lenar watched Joey watch her leave.

"If I may, Lieutenant Chaplin?" Ambassador Lenar asked.

Joey looked at him, curiously. "Sir?"

"I believe you are 4 docking-bays in the wrong." Faron noted.

Joey shrugged. "Don't have a chance with her, Ambassador."

"Doubtful, at best." Faron retorted.

"Besides, there are engineering cadets in the academy who-"

Faron cut him off. "Be silent. Are you truly certain you are the one who should be aligning the moral compass of these children? You aren't even sure which way your own should be pointing. You are barely old enough to be out of the academy, and now you want to teach? That woman should be teaching these children. You should be going to the Pinnacle to help out whatever program that was that Ms. Frost mentioned."

Joey shook his head. "My path is my own choice."

Faron shrugged. "Do not blame me, then, child, when it happens."

Joey looked at Faron, unsure what he meant. "When what happens?"

Faron gave him a look. "When you wake up. A week. A month. A year from now. And realize how much you miss that woman. And suddenly wonder precisely what in the element's name you are doing with your life."

Joey glared at him. "That isn't-"

Faron smacked the man. Rather difficult. "Stop being a bull-headed mule."

Joey shook his head. "You don't understand."

Faron looked towards docking bay 2-15. "Lieutenant Chaplin, I feel very fortunate that my wife does not mind shipping all across the galaxy, for me. My wife and I want to see the galaxy, and the universe, at peace, and she works as hard, if not more so, as I do, to get that job done. Ms. Frost, like yourself, just wants the universe to be well oiled, and in proper repair. Both of our dreams are impossible, but it keeps us going. Perhaps you should stop, and look at where your dreams are taking you, and make sure you are getting on the right shuttle."

"Attention, attention. Would Lieutenant Junior Grade Joey Chaplin please report to docking bay 2-19 immediately. The Private Craft Chilkoot is departing in 2 minutes." The announcer said.

Joey grabbed his bag, and stopped at the entry to 2-19.

"Ambassador, I wish you luck with your dream, but sometimes, you have to look at the world through a realistic point of view, rather than a dream-like one. This is a rare position opening, and I feel that this is where I have to be."

Ambassador Faron shook his head. "You are making a mistake."

But the doors to 2-19 had closed.

He looked down at the file folder he had, which had the details of the Romulan mine incident and looked at a few key things.

through a realistic point of view, rather than a dream-like one... He thought to himself. Why in the elements' name would a Rihannsu ship use just one mine?

"You are making a mistake." He said, as he looked down at the folder.

And this time, he wasn't talking about Lieutenant Chaplin.

================ Off-

Doctor Faron Lenar,
UFP Ambassador,
USB Typhon.

Ms. Amber Frost,[NPC]
Civilian Contractor,
USB Pinnacle

Lieutenant Joey Chaplin,[NPC]
Coding and Computer Systems instructor,
Starfleet Academy


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