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Ender's Game

Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2010 @ 2:45am by Commander Raven Adams

390 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Intel Office
Timeline: current


Raven heard about the Romulan mine. It felt… wrong. She'd worked with Romulans and she'd studied Romulan history. This was not the way they did things. It was too… obvious. Too blatant. Romulans were subtle, cunning and sneaky.

So she began to dig. "Edgar." The raven flew down to her desk and cocked his head. "Check and see if anyone connected with the Starbase purchased a Romulan mine in the past six months." Edgar nodded and flew back to his perch where he began to search the Intel database.

While Edgar looked through official channels, Raven began to look through black market sales. She still had connections and she was pretty sure if anyone had purchased a mine, it would not be through legal channels.

For several hours Raven sat at her desk digging through one source after another. She had to be careful not to send out a spider, as most of these sources were incredibly paranoid. She had to use her old contacts and accesses to search them one by one. But, finally, the work paid off. She found that three Romulan space mines, cloaked, had been purchased by 'Ender' three months ago.
"Edgar," she called to her AI. "I found the purchase.."

The bird flew back to her desk. "There is nothing in the Intel files."

"As I suspected. I want you to search for someone who goes by 'Ender.' Has he been involved in any illegal activities? Where is he located? Anything you can find."

Edgar nodded choosing to stay on the desk as he began to search. Raven, for her part, began a new search for word of or from 'Edgar.'

This time it didn't take as long. Ender had been a busy boy. Smuggling, blackmail, murder. There was a trail of activity, mostly criminal, from one planet to another. But three months ago he appeared to vanish. No information at all.

Raven wrote up a quick report with all the relevant data. She copied it to a PADD and shut down her computer for the night. "Keep an eye out for any new references to Ender, Edgar. I'm going to bed." She needed to talk to Khiy first thing in the morning.


Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Edgar (NPC)
Starbase Typhon


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