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Briefing Admiral Burke

Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2010 @ 10:40am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

688 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Admiralty Deck, Adm. Burkes Office
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin stepped off the lift and addressed the Marine guards, they immediately recognized him as walked past the checkpoint. he entered the office of Admiral Burke and saw lieutenant Draven.

"Hello lieutenant, would it be possible for me to meet with Admiral Burke? I have a somewhat delicate matter to brief her about."

Millie looked up and smiled at the Captain. "Hi. Let me check." She tapped on her keyboard and checked the Admiral's schedule. She had no appointments that afternoon and she appeared to be in her office. "Kat, Captain Fannin wishes to see you," she said over the comm system.

"Send him back, Millie," Kathryn replied.

"Go on back, Captain," Millie said, smiling.

Fannin entered the admirals office and snapped up a salute, "Thanks for seeing me admiral. We are having some issues you should be aware of..."

"Have a seat, Captain," Kathryn replied. "What's going on?"

"While on a routine Fighter sweep one of our Razors slammed into a cloaked Romulan mine killing the pilot. The rest of the sortie is returning and I have started a warning protocol for all ships in the area."

Kathryn was surprised and a little concerned. "Did you contact the Romulans? Don't you have a Romulan ambassador on the station?"

"I have contacted Ambassador Lenar and will lodge a formal diplomatic complaint. I'm not certain if the new Romulan diplomat has arrived. But rest assured ma'am I shall be heard on the matter. I have had a somewhat dark history with the Romulans, and they know who I am."

"That's all well and good, but if you go about this with a heavy hand you could make relations with the Romulans a lot worse. We're trying to work with these people, not against them," Kathryn assured him.

"I to plan to work with them, just as soon as they clean up their minefields and our pilots stop dying while conducting operations in Federation territory. I have done my share of work for them too. Eleven years to be exact."

"Eleven years working for the Romulans?" Kathryn asked, wanting clarification.

"I was a Prisoner of war, held on Ch'Rihan. That was long ago. The forests there are sewn with the friends and patients I buried."

"I understand," Katie said quietly. "I have friends who died during that time, too. I try and look at the Romulans as individuals. There are factions that hold to the old ways, ones I can't trust as far as I can throw them. Others are trying to work with us for peace. I want to give them the b4enefit of the doubt until we can prove otherwise."

"I have always been a man of peace Admiral, and will continue on that path. I shall, however, fight with my last breath to stop aggression along the way."

"First we need to find out who placed the mines and when. Just because the mines are Romulan doesn't mean the Romulans put them there," Kathryn replied.

"True, I just want to get to the bottom of the matter as soon as possible before we start getting complaints from over Three hundred independent freight companies."

"Agreed. Has your Intel department started an investigation into the matter?"

"I shall be contacting them next. I also plan to get a few more intel officers involved if possible from the Endeavor and the Orion. I believe Admiral Stone has several agents working also."

"I'll ask him to keep me posted as well," Kat replied. "Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"There have been reports That lieutenant commander Hawkins went down with a shuttle of Cadets. Commander Johnson and SAR are working on that now. I believe they may be lost as no distress was sent."

"I'm sorry, Captain. You're not having a good week, are you?" Kathryn said shaking her head. "Again, keep me informed."

"thank you for your time Admiral, I shall keep you informed of my progress." Fannin turn after saluting and departed the office.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding officer
Starbase Typhon

Vice Admiral Kathryn Burke (NPC)
Deputy Commander in Chief
Theta Fleet


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