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Oriental Food Fight

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2010 @ 9:26am by

857 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Oriental Tea Room
Timeline: 2043 hours

Austin was tired. He had told some friends from Engineering he would have dinner with them and he was late. He had run over working on the Tiverian freighter's plasma manifolds and fixing their weapons. The last Austin saw of the Tiverian captain, he was headed to Command Ops to complain about Austin leaving to get some food and rest. He didn't see Henderson go into the ship to take up where Austin left off. Austin shook his head as he adjusted his shirt. He was wearing his favorite clothes: blue jeans, tshirt and boots. He loved his jeans and boots. It always reminded him of home at the ranch.

He walked into the tea room and saw the O'Boyles, Mitchell, and a girl Austin didn't recognize sitting at a table. He was stopped, however, by an extremely short woman. She barely came up to Austin's chest. He was so surprised he looked down at her and asked her to repeat herself. "I'm sorry, ma'am. Could you say that again, I wasn't paying attention," he drawled.

"You want tea? Or food?" Aeshia asked.

Austin smiled at her. "I want both, but I'd like to sit with my friends," he said, pointing.

"Of course. You want menu, or you know what order?" Aeshia asked.

"Can I get a menu?" His accent seemed not as thick as when he walked in.

Aeshia handed him a small menu. "You call me when you want to order."

Austin nodded at the small woman and walked over to his friends' table. "Hey, guys. She's kinda tiny, ain't she?" He took the straight-backed chair and turned it around, straddling it and looking at the menu. He frowned. He didn't like the look of the sushi. He preferred beef. But some teriyaki chicken and hibachi shrimp sounded good. Maybe that with some fried rice...

"Man, that Rigelian captain was a pain in the butt. He kept standing over my shoulders, telling me not to touch stuff. How am I supposed to fix it if I can't touch it?"

The girl looked at Austin and smiled then looked back at the menu. "It looks good but I'd like to hear the specials." She was obviously from Russia or eastern Europe on Earth.

Emily, once again, looked like she was upset about something. "Flynn, let's eat the stir fry for two."

Flynn nodded. "Aye, dear." He folded up his menu.

Austin raised his eyebrows and hastily looked at his own menu, not saying a word.

The little Asian woman appeared again.

"What you like to eat first?"

"You got any teriyaki chicken?" Austin said hopefully.

Mitchell nodded. "Teriyaki chicken sounds good."

"We not serve meat here. Is mean to animals. Please read menu, and order something from there." Aeshia said. She somehow restrained herself from going ballistic over the request for her to cook meat.

"Stir fry and fried rice," Austin said. His accent was thicker as he got agitated.

Mitchell grimaced and ordered stir fry. So did the O'Boyles, but Kajinski ordered fried rice. Austin thought with the way this day was going, it would be just his luck for the little woman to accuse them of insulting her for the meat.

The woman nodded, and refrained from commenting further, opting to just cook the food.

"Yer days been better than mine, guys?" Austin asked.

"Hardly." Mitchell didn't seem happy. "That Rigelian captain had us going over everything twice because he didn't trust us and then he had his chief engineer go over it again. I've never been so happy to get away from a ship captain in my life."

Flynn shook his head. "Aye, I had a chief engineer like that too. He was a wee little man, and he did not trust me at all. I kept telling him all I was there for was to help him, but he would not believe me. He kept saying starbase personnel were not to be trusted."

Mitchell groaned. "How about we just pay and get some real food? I don't know about you guys, but vegan food really isn't my thing." He caught the look on the others' faces. "That little woman's right behind me, isn't she?"

"Yes. Here is your food. You paid for it. You leave now. It is wrapped in to-go package. I not take well to those who insult my business. I do not insult your installations on the Starbase. It would be nice if such niceness things were returned." Aeshia said, slightly annoyed.

The Fleeters stood up and left the little shop and went to Jack's. After digging into a plate of steak, Tyrone said, "I don't think I'll be going back to the Chinese place."

"I don't think she'll let you." Austin reminded him. "After all, you just did insult her."

"Maybe she'll let you work as a busboy, Ty," Flynn joked. Tyrone scowled. Today was not his day.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

Ens Tyrone Mitchell
CWO2 Emily O'Boyle
WO Flynn O'Boyle
CPO Natasha Kajinski
Played by: Austin


Aeshia Dew
Tea Nazi,
Starbase Typhon

Played by:

Doctor Faron Lenar,
UFP Ambassador,
USB Typhon Embassy


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