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In Depth Training

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2010 @ 9:24pm by

454 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck 1
Timeline: 1248 hours

Tex was standing waist-deep in a hole of muddy water watching Finnigan go into the tunnel which he stood at the other end of. It was filled with water and he would have to hold his breath for 20 feet. Tex watched for movement in the water. When he saw it, he reached in and pulled Finnigan up. The boy was no older than eighteen, fresh out of bootcamp, but he'd make it. In full battle gear, with phaser rifle, he had over 70 pounds on his person. They all did.

He spotted some movement and pulled the boy up, holding him while he caught his breath. "Get your bearings, kid. Get your bearings." Tex held the kid while he tried to get his feet under him. 'You ready to quit?"

"No," he panted.

"You ready to quit?"

"No, sir!"

"Get going! Get through that mudhole!" Finnigan tromped through the mud on the other side of the waterhole and tried to pick his feet up as they squelched into the deep mud, struggling to raise his feet. It took a lot of power to get your feet out of the muck as it sucked on your boots.

Finnigan was the last one. Tex turned and watched as he launched himself into another mudhole and tried to raise himself out. Finally, they finished it with a run through the woods that went around the entire assault course. The assault course had been no laugh; quagmires of muddy water, mudholes that pulled on your boots, an underwater tunnel to get through without air, and finally, a 4 mile run through woods and brush, dodging between trees, jumping or climbing over fallen logs, and pushing your way through thickets of thorns. No, it was set to be a test. Tex didn't tell them that the time limit he had set was at a level for only the elite of even the SpecOps soldiers; the minimum time limit was 60 minutes. Tex had set them a goal of 45 minutes.

The troops finished in front of Tex, trying to keep their feet, some of them just falling on the ground. Even Hawkins was out of breath.

"Fall in, men!" Tex yelled. "Computer, time!"

=A= One hour, 38 minutes, 42 seconds. =A=

Tex shook his head. "This is pitiful, Ladies. Ya'll aren't ladies, ya'll are maggots. We are gonna keep doing this until ya'll can make it in at least 60 minutes. Then ya'll are gonna do it in 45 minutes. And then...ya'll will be soldiers. Am I understood?"


"Get going!" Tex smiled grimly. They were could do it, even Finnegan. But how many would go to SpecOps, and how many would stay?


LCol Tex Greenwood
Marine Regiment XO
SB Typhon
Played by: Austin


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