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Tiverian Freighter Pt I

Posted on Tue Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 12:01am by

426 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiverian Freighter, Docking Port 10
Timeline: 1410 hours

Austin was walking to the Tiverian freighter when he saw two security guards standing outside the docking port. He didn't like it. It made him feel uneasy. Then again, he supposed everyone was feeling uneasy. They were at yellow alert and that had to make a lot of people nervous.

He thought he recognized one of the security guards from the security office at his background-check. A jumpy crewman insisted on an interview. Apparently the guy had wanted an outright investigation. But Austin would never forget the talking monkey. He smiled to himself as he turned to the senior of the two lieutenants. "Everything alright? Russell, was it?" He was terrible with names.

"Yeah." The guy had red hair, so was usually hard to mistake for anyone else. "Russell Bernard. So for everything looks good, nothing out of the ordinary. I'll let you know if I see anything."

Austin nodded his thanks and left for the ship. There he found their engineer waiting for him. He was human and a little shorter than Austin with brown hair and freckles.

"Thanks for coming. I'm Kevin Evers."

Austin smiled in greeting. "I'm Lt Greenwood. Is there anything that needs attention before anything else?"

The guy nodded. "Yep, the plasma manifolds are almost shot, and the storage units need to be looked at; the stasis pods are acting up."

"Let's start on the plasma manifolds first."

Kevin led the way to the engine room. It was one of the cleanest Austin had ever seen. It wasn't much in the way of technology, but it was taken care of.

"Nice," Austin said.

Kevin smiled. "She's my baby."

Austin took out his tricorder and started scanning the manifolds. "You weren't kidding. They should've been replaced about 2 months ago. I'm surprised they're still running."

Evers grimaced. "Can you fix them?"

"No, sorry. But I can replace them. I think we have some parts that will work."

The guy grinned. "Great. So we can replace them today?"

"Yeah, I just need to clear the parts with Ops. Let's look at the stasis pods and see if we need to get parts for those before we get the manifolds from the station."

An hour later, Austin had a list of everything he needed from the station. "I'll be back with the parts shortly."

"Thanks, Lieutenant."

"No problem. That's what we're here for." Austin turned and left, trying to find LCdr Johnson to clear the parts. Today might not be a bad day.


Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

Kevin Evers
Chief Engineer
Tiverian Freighter


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