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A Bit of Skullduggery Part One

Posted on Tue Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 3:44am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

307 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Marine HQ
Timeline: current

(Correction, Mission: Preparing the Fleet)


[Marine HQ]

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg was waiting in the briefing room for his marine team to arrive. Within a couple of minutes in walked four marines in civilian attire.

"Gentlemen. Please have a seat." Wilhelm said while motioning to the unoccupied seats in the room. Wilhelm watched as Sergeants Otto and Wilks, and CWO2s Willey and Tuvall took their seats. "All right gentlemen, we've got orders from the Captain. You four men are going to be issued explosive scanners and let loose on the docks. Your primary target is the Romulan freighter in for repairs, but to cover our bases, I'm having you sniff at all the other ships in dock. As you know the paranoia nature of the Romulans will make this a little difficult, I'm sure you'll only be able to take exterior scans. However, examine their damage externally for sure without getting nipped. Same goes for the other freighters, I don't care if its Federation, Romulan, etc.. Also, if you couldn't tell gents, this is a low-key event so concealed personal weapons only, no photon grenades," Wilhelm said glaring at Sergeant Otto Krupp. The Sergeant just got disappointed look on his face. "...If you get into any trouble slip around a corner and use the site to site transporter. Tasks assigned is Warrant Officer Tuvall ans Staff Sergeant Krupp will be scanning for any explosive traces. Warrant Officer Willey use your medical tricorder to scan for any exposure to explosives and Sergeant Wilks you will be running bodyguard. Any questions?....None, good. I expect a report within two hours. Dismissed." Wilhelm finished.

As Wilhelm watched the marines file out he muttered to himself "Gott, I hope they don't find anything..."

To be continued...


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
21st Marines Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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