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Checking on Jana

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2010 @ 9:16pm by Captain Anna Johnson

613 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Johnson Quarters
Timeline: Current

Anna had planed on grabbing a pizza though most civilians had been escorted back to their quarters by now until they new it was safe to let them out. That said she headed to her quarters to see how Jana was handling being stuck in one place again.

When she walked in she didn't see Jana but she heard noises from her room that told her she was there.

Anna stepped over to the replicator and ordered a pizza with ground beef, pepperoni, olives, onions and extra cheese. She also ordered a couple of colas and moved to knock on Jana's door.

"I have pizza if you are hungry." Anna said.

Jana opened the door she actually wasn't wearing her normal make up. She wrapped her arms around Anna. "What is going on?" She asked concerned.

Anna returned the hug. "Right now the station isn't in immediate danger which is why its yellow alert and not red."
She said leading her over to the pizza. "One of our fighters found a cloaked mine field near the Romulan boarder. Right now we don't know if its old or new but we are guessing its new and they want to let us know they know we are here. Hopefully it will be remedied soon but for now we have extra patrols out and are having to escort ships in and out of the area. I have to make a trip to Tiberius V and set up a weather net. I plan on getting it done as quickly as possible so I won't be gone from you for a full day. If I do have to though Dhindara is just a couple of doors down and is willing to let you stay there if you would feel safer." Anna said.

Jana took a bite of the pizza then sighed. "So leaving the station is what is more dangerous and you have to leave?" She asked. "What happens to me if you die too?" She said and placed the pizza on the plate.

Anna reached forward and moved her hair from her eyes, "I don't plan on dieing anytime soon. I will do what ever I can to come back here okay. If it makes you feel better I will find someone willing to take you in should the need arise."

Jana nodded and sighed then took another bite of pizza. "When will you leave?" She asked.

"First thing in the morning if all goes well getting things assembled." Anna said, "This is something crucial that can't wait. The planet was affected more than I first realized and I need to get the weather net in place so that it can be safely colonized."

Jana nodded, "I never realized just how much you have to do." She said, "Dad should have been proud of you. You deserved a lot better than what you got when we were younger."

Anna leaned forward and hugged Jana, "There is nothing we can do to change any of that now. I am happy and want you to be as well."

Jana actually smiled a real smile since coming on board, "Thank you." She said.

"For what?" Anna asked.

"For showing me what a family is suppose to be." Jana said.

Anna resisted the urge to tear up with that statement, "You are very welcome. I love you and will always love you and anything you accomplish will make me proud."

Jana shook her head and reached up to wipe away tears of her own, "Now let's eat this pizza before it gets cold."

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon

Jana Johnson (NPC)
played by Anna Johnson


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