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Rihannsu Conversations

Posted on Tue Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 8:29am by

323 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet

Faron nodded at Amalia. "Don't disturb me for the next while. I've got a long conversation ahead."

Amalia nodded. "No conflicting schedules."

Faron flicked into the diplomatic comm system.

"Diplomatic Relay station IV. Destination of call, please." The Diplomatic Comm officer said.


The Diplomatic Officer checked Faron's voice, and facial recognitions, and nodded, after confirming he had such clearance.

A very elegant looking woman showed up on his screen.

"Romulus Ambassadorial Office, Ambassador Denatra speaking."

"Good evening. I was wondering if Chinthra I'llva is available." Faron asked.

"He is. One moment." Came the clipped reply.

An elder Romulan man appeared on his screen.

"Lenar. Faron Lenar, It has been a while." Ambassador I'llva said.

"We need to talk about Rihannsu Mines in Federation space." Faron said. Straight to the point.

"Faron, Faron, Faron. Do you not ever start with pleasantries?" I'llva asked.

"Not when people are dead." Faron retorted.

"Unfortunately, I'm quite busy. You'll have to discuss with it with the Ambassador... Annhwi. She is supposed to be arriving on Starbase...Typhon I believe, within a few hours, if she hasn't already arrived." I'llva replied.

"That's funny. I would have thought that, as I am the Federation Ambassador stationed aboard the Typhon, I would be notified of such things." Faron replied.

I'llva shrugged. "Take it up with your assistant. We sent the memo."

Faron shrugged. "She's my wife. I feel better blaming you about it."

I'llva laughed. "Quite wise, I'm certain."

Faron nodded. "I will talk with you another time, Ambassador."

"Ambassador." I'llva said with a nod.

The comm panel flipped off.

"Computer, Locate Ambassador Annhwi." Faron asked.

"Ambassador Annhwi is listed as in Captain Fannin's Office." The computer replied.

"In safe diplomatic hands, I'm sure." Faron said with a nod. "I think I'll take the afternoon off, and have some tea."


Ambassador I'llva
Romulus Embassy Official

Played By/With:

Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon Embassy


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