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Getting Back to the Base

Posted on Tue Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 9:04pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

496 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Main Operations/Captain's Office

Anna had managed a short nap on the trip back. Once they were in proximity she awoke and prepared to head back to the bridge. She grabbed coffee from the replicator on her way out of the shuttle and made her way up to Deck 12.

Ensign Maug was there and looked at her and spoke in Klingon, "The Captain wants to see you." He said.

Anna nodded and responded in Klingon without a second thought, "Thanks stay at your station for now."
She moved over to Fannin's office and passed by Yeoman James and nodded. "Captain Fannin is expecting me."

Fannin was expecting her, "How was your flight. the system came up a few minutes ago and seems to be running well. You will have to adjust the system of course to get the info you need though."

Anna nodded, "The flight back was smooth I actually got a nap in and I was expecting to have to make adjustments. As long as we are getting the signals here and at the marine base we are good. " Anna said, "Is there anything I need to be updated on?" She asked then sipped her coffee.

"Well the new Romulan Ambassador is a true pleasure to meet. You should arrange a meeting with her. I'm sure you will be impressed with her. Other than that it's been routine around here. We are secured from yellow alert. I plan on keeping a strong fighter presence around the station."

"Jana will be happy about that she was bored being stuck in our quarters. She starts school in the morning so that will help take up some of her time." Anna said.

"I hope she likes it here, there is lots to do for a young person. The schools here are fairly large so there will be the opportunity to make some friends if she's so inclined."

"She is getting use to things though she does seem to be afraid of loosing me like we did our parents." Anna said.

"That's completely understandable considering the circumstances."

Anna nodded, "I know it is." Anna said, "I'm sure she will be fine once she makes a few friends." She said, "What else do you need from me today?" Anna asked.

"Just take a quick look at the net system and make sure your getting what you need with it. The data should be rolling in pretty steady by now."

"I was planing on doing that as soon as we were done here." Anna said with a smile. "Once things get established more on the planet we can set up someone there to monitor things more closely as they will be getting the data first anyway."

"Good, if you get the chance try to meet the Ambassador. She's a delight."

"I'll try my best to do that." Anna said wondering what he was getting her into.

Captaian Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon


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