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Murder Investigation

Posted on Tue Mar 9th, 2010 @ 4:13am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

408 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Section 445, Outer Ring
Timeline: Current


Fannin was alerted by security of the location of an unknown crew member found in the outer ring in a pool of blood... Fannin told the security officer to contact Commander Darkmoon. This was an obvious murder.

Krang got the message that there was a man down and that it was an ugly scene. He quickly locked down everything in his office and then called for a site to site transport. When he arrived on the scene a medical team and a crime scene team from his department were both already there.

Linda Ohlson stood and turned toward Krang. "It's pretty open and shut, Boss. We have the body, a large pool of his blood, and a bloody Klingon dagger with finger prints all over it. The only mystery here is, we can't seem to match the finger prints. It's obvious that there's prints on the knife, the blood makes them stand out well enough, but the computer says that they don't belong to anyone."

Fannin couldn't help but here what the security officer had said as he walked up to Krang and Linda.

"We've got a real brain teaser here Captain. Somebody beaned our young cadet here good, but we can't seem to match the finger prints."

Fannin nodded. "Who is it?'

"Can't tell from looking at him, but scans say it's Cadet Poteat, Sir." Krang answered.

"Unfortunate, Have you searched the body yet?"

"No, Sir. I just arrived." then he turned to the other security officers that had gotten there before him. "Have you guys searched the body yet?"

"Yes, we have. He didn't have anything in his pockets, but there is a pattern in the blood spatter that would indicate that he was holding a PADD when he was hit, and that PADD is no where to be found."

"Interesting. Perhaps we can track it. I'm sure it was his PADD."

Krang turned to Linda and nodded. She quickly hurried off to track the missing PADD.

"Well, I'll let you carry on Krang. Glad your here on it. Let me know if anything turns up. I'd have his quarters searched too."

Fannin gave Darkmoon a pat on the shoulder and headed for the lifts Chief James in tow, as she was close by Edward most of the time.

"That will be my next stop, Sir." Krang responded to the retreating Captain.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security


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