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Arrival to a new home

Posted on Tue Mar 9th, 2010 @ 7:08am by

236 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Starbase Typhon
Timeline: Current

"We have arrived."

Thomas instantly opened his eyes at the sound of the pilots had been a rather long dull flight, and he had caught up on some much needed rest. He stood up and grabbed his duffel bag from where he had stowed it.

"Thanks for the ride, sir." He replied. He then walked to the rear of the shuttle, and exited. The view he saw of Starbase Typhon's hanger amazed him...there was alot of people working, he could tell that this was a busy dutystation.

"I'm not in Ireland anymore..." He thought to himself. He then waved down a very good looking female crewman,
"Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Marine HQ?"

She gave him very hurried directions and them walked away...he gave her a long look, and then shook his head. He would have to be careful not to get himself in trouble while on station.

He made his way through the station to the office of his new CO. He was stopped by a Lt., and he dropped his bag and snapped a salute.

"Sir, Private Thomas Kane reporting to Colonol Von Hackleberg for assignment."

The Lt. looked him over, and then directed him to the Colonol's office, returning his salute and dismissing him. He stood in front of the door for a second, and then took a deep breath and walked in.


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