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Time to Toughen Up.

Posted on Thu Mar 4th, 2010 @ 12:08am by

416 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck 1
Timeline: 1200 hours

Tex looked out over the training the second battalion was doing. It was depressing to say the least. Tex had come from a battalion where they were the best in their regiment due to his expertise in SpecOps training. It was disappointing to say the least to know that he had to do it all over again. It wasn't that they were bad, it was just that they didn't measure up to his rather high standards.

"Call them in, Captain," he drawled.

"Yes, sir." The woman knew Tex was not happy with her troops right now. "COMPANY! FALL IN!"

The soldiers hurried over to where the officers were and lined up.

"You're soft, ladies. That was pathetic. I ain't never seen anything so pitiful in my life." Tex said. "Ya'll are gonna hate me for the next few weeks of training. But it's gonna keep you alive. The enemy doesn't care about who your daddy is or how good you think you are. The only thing that matters to him is killing you. And in this state, every single of ya'll would be dead in less than five minutes. We're gonna hit it with twice a day assault courses followed endurance courses used by Special Forces. If that doesn't work, we'll go 24 hours straight and then you can rest for about 4 hours before we do it all again. Complain, and you'll get 2 hours of sleep before doing it again. Am I clear."

"Yes sir," they said as one.

"I said, am I clear?"


"Get some chow and be back here at 1245. Ya'll are gonna be busy. Fall out."

After the men left, Tex turned to find the female captain staring at him. "Sir, permission to speak freely." This was not going to go well.

"Granted, Hawkins."

"Sir, don't you think you were a little hard on them? That maybe you could be, I don't know, a little more human?" Hawkins never took well to superiors abusing her men.

Tex shook his head. "Hawkins, trust me. You're gonna thank me for this someday, and so are they. They're gonna be the best damn regiment in the corps."

Hawkins couldn't find any reason to tell him he was wrong when she had no idea what he was going to do, so she merely glared at him, spun on her heel, and left.

Tex sighed.d It was going to be a long training session.


LCol Tex Greenwood
Marine Regiment XO
SB Typhon
Played by: Austin


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