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Briefing the Ambassador

Posted on Wed Mar 3rd, 2010 @ 11:09am by Commodore Edward Fannin

195 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Private secure Message
Timeline: Current

Faron sat at his console, and flipped through the messages listed.

~Federation Message Follows~

I thought I had better send you a brief note on my recent contact with our Romulan Ambassador. She's a delightful person who should fit in well here on the starbase. I believe she holds you in very high regard and would love to meet you as soon as it can be arranged. I'm sure you will be as captivated by her as I was.


***********End Transmission***********************

Faron read the message, and laughed.

Sometimes, Sarcasm was a little too easy to read into things.

He hit the reply button, laughing slightly.

~Private Transmission~

I hereby outwardly accuse you of abusing sarcasm. You can repay me by dropping by my office later, and having a drink. I have real, alcoholic, Tennessee Whiskey. If you don't show up, I'll have to drink it alone.

***********End Transmission*************

Fannin read the reply, real booze, that would be a treat. He made it a point to stop by after the shift was over and have a few belts...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon Embassy


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