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Matters of Concern

Posted on Sat Mar 6th, 2010 @ 5:36am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

652 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Yeoman James entered the Captains office, "Sir I've contacted commander Adams, she said she would be by as soon as she was available."

Edward looked up from his padd with his reading glasses on his nose. "Thank you James, did you tell her It wasn't an emergency?"

"Yes Sir, I believe she was at dinner."

"Very good Terri, thanks for your help today. I know it wasn't very pleasant dealing with the Ambassador. If you're going to be here a while yet let me know when Raven arrives."

Raven was having dinner in one of the restaurants on the starbase with two old friends. Even though she was now a "Fleetie," she liked to keep in touch with friends from her old life. When she got the message from the Captain she groaned. She didn't want to have to work that night. She was planning on taking a long bubble bath and then going to bed early.

Instead, she finished her meal, bid farewell to her friends, and headed for Fannin's office.

She walked in to find his yeoman still at her desk. "Hello. Raven Adams to see Captain Fannin."

"Yes ma'am" James took her straight into the captains office...

"Raven, glad to see you, this will just take a few minutes of your time. Have a seat and get something to drink if you like. I had a meeting with our Romulan Ambassador today. Wonderful gal I must say. She's a bit upset with me right now about her vessel being scanned for explosives. The Marines checked all the vessels in the loading docks, but that's not the point She has the belief we are blaming her for the appearance of the minefield. I really don't think the Romulans are that stupid to use a diplomat to lay mines. however she has been outraged and will be a problem. I just needed to bring the current situation to your attention."

"You do know that her ship has diplomatic immunity? That you weren't supposed to check it at all without clearance?" Raven reminded the CO. "So, she was right about that. And if she wasn't a suspect, why break the rules?" She paused for a moment to let that sink in. "I found a person who purchased three of the Romulan mines. Someone who goes by the name of Ender. He disppeared about three months ago. I'm working with Khiy Tal'ehrihn. He has connections in the cargo industry. We're looking into how that connects with the dozen mines here."

"Yes her ship has diplomatic rights, most non-federation ships do. However we did not board that vessel. Or any other vessel for that matter. That I'm allowed to do for the safety of the station. The matter about the mines is very interesting and needs to be followed up on."

"You can argue that point with the Council," Raven replied. "I'm not sure I'd back that particular horse, but... good luck with that." It was a move she wouldn't try, knowing that it all depended on how far the powers that be would let you bend the rules. But, if that was the game Fannin wanted to play, she was going to stay out of it. "Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Just needed you to be aware of it. Keep those ears open. I would like to be kept in the loop on the mine situation."

"I appreciate the information," Raven replied. "I'll let you know when I find out more about the mines. Right now... it's complicated."

"Good luck, let me know if you need anything."

Raven nodded as she stood. "I will. Goodnight, Captain," she said as she turned and headed back out the door.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Terri James (NPC)
Command Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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