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ABC Alert

Posted on Wed Mar 10th, 2010 @ 4:57am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin

672 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Admirality Deck, Adm. Ferrari's Office
Timeline: Current

Luca Ferrari sat in a chair behind his desk, staring at a computer monitor. On the screen was a message titled Academy, Basic Cadet (ABC) Alert. The alert was given when a cadet or cadets go missing. Ferrari found the message waiting for him, marked from a couple of hours ago. It wasn't a report that the Commandant ever enjoyed reading, but he had to figure out what it was about.

In a swift movement, the admiral turned his chair to face a different monitor. From here, he could track down and find nearly anyone that he wished to. Searching through the list, he found that Captain Fannin was on his deck. Tapping his comm badge, he began to speak, "Fannin, this is Ferrari. Would you be able to report to my office?"

Fannin acknowledged the request and headed that way. He entered the Admirals office and rang the chime.

"Come in," answered the admiral. The doors opened to reveal the starbase's captain. Slowly, he walked into the room. "Please, sit down, Edward. Can my secretary fix you anything to drink?"

"Sure, coffee would be great."

The commandant pressed a small button on his desk. "Abby, could you please get the captain and cups of coffee. Also, can you pull up the instructor files for Mike Hawkins and the cadet files for all that were with him?"

"Right away, Sir," responded a petite voice.

"Now," Luca began, turning his attention back to Fannin, "as you have probably guessed, I asked you here to talk to you about the ABC Alert filed for Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins and his cadets. The alert doesn't tell me much, so would you be willing to share what you know?"

Before Captain Fannin got a chance to answer, the young, well-figured secretary walked into the room. "Here is your coffee, and here are the files you asked for." She paused, then turned to mainly speak to the captain, "If you need anything, I'm right outside." With that, she left the room.

"Commander Hawkins was responding to reports of an earthquake on Tiberius Five. The shuttle he was in was struck we believe by a giant tidal wave. The SAR and Commander Johnson located the shuttle of the coast under Sixty Feet of water completely crushed. No bodies were found. We have presumed them all dead and the next of kin notified."

Admiral Ferrari sighed; he felt as though the news was double-sided. While he was glad that the families have already been notified, he was upset that this accident happened in the first place. "I am sorry for your station's loss," Luca gave in sympathy. "I presume that an accident report has already been filed?" Ferrari paused for a moment, then continued, "Do you believe that their efforts and work was done with honor and bravery? If their actions were valiant, their families may be deserving of a medal in their honor."

"I'll leave that up to the Fleet protocol Officer. The report shall be done in a few weeks aftr the shuttle has been recovered."

"Alright," Luca replied. "I'll give them any academic award you deam appropriate." The commandant paused for a moment, taking a drink of his coffee. "Are you wanting another instructor assigned to the position?"

"I'll leave that up to you. I know instructors are hard to find. We'll have to change part of the name though. I need to get rid of CAG, too confusing."

"For now, I will leave the position open. As you have also pointed out, instructors are hard to come by...Especially in the early days of a new fleet. For now, we will make due with what we have." The commandant pressed a few buttons on his computer, indicating the change in staff positions. "Unless you have something to add, thank you for your time, Captain."

"Yes sir, anytime." Fannin left the Admirals office and headed back to the bridge.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Rear-Admiral Luca Ferrari
Academy Commandant
Theta Fleet


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