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Green PFC's

Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 6:31am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

554 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Colonel von Hackleberg's Office
Timeline: current

Wilhelm was sitting at his desk going over the transcripts of the training of the Second Battalion when his receptionist buzzed him saying a new batch of PFC's have arrived and were waiting for their assignments. Hearing his door chime he opened it and seen a young PFC enter.

PFC Kane dropped his bag, and snapped a salute.
"Sir, Private First Class Thomas Kane reporting as ordered." He said, his voice showing his Irish blood. He dropped his salute as soon as it, was returned. Then he came to a stiff attention.

Returning the salute, "Velcome to the 21st Marines Private." Wilhelm said with his occasional German accent. "Please have a seat." Wilhelm said motion to one of the chairs in front of his oak desk. After the Private took his seat Wilhelm said, "I see this is your first assignment from Boot. High marks in markmanship plus medical. Am I forgetting anything?"

"Aye, you are sir. I am fluent in several languages...when I was growing up my mother found it necessary for me to learn many languages from Earth, including German. I am also fluent in Vulcan, Klingon, and I can understand and speak a little romulan." Thomas said, he was rather proud of that fact. "I can also cook, but I doubt that is too important here."

"No marine commander underestimates a good cook. As the saying goes, ' An army marches on its stomach.'" Wilhelm said with a smile. "Well now, where to put you....Have you ever done any zero g jumps?"

Thomas smiled, "Only boot, sir. My instructor had to push me out of the shuttle my first time...after that it was easy. I prefere to be on the ground as quickly as possible anyway...thats where I shine."

"Believe it or not Private, I was the same way." Wilhelm said with a chuckle, "That first jump is always the hardest...Back to subject." Wilhelm grabbed a small clean PADD and started typing on it. "I'm going to put you in Second Battalion. That is the air mobile battalion. You will usually be the first on the ground. A couple of pointers though: Don't PO Sergeant Major van-Zhee, our First Sergeant, or he'll skin you alive. Second, it is recommended you stay away from the other members of the Raider Squad, they not too keen on greenhorns, you'll identify them by the skull on their patches. Third, unless for official duties, stay away from the VIP quarters on Deck 24 and the Damron Group as a whole. Their info will be on a PADD, along with all the info on this station and the Regiment's activities you need to know about." Reaching into his desk he grabbed another PADD and a 21st Regiment Patch. "First, here is the PADD with the info. Here is another PADD with your orders: Report to the Quartemaster for gear withdrawl then to Lt. Col. Greenwood, the de facto CO of Second Battalion till someone else is found. Finally, here is your new unit patch if you need more for uniforms just ask the Quartermaster." Wilhelm said as he handed over the items. Good luck marine. Now send in the next PFC." Wilhelm finished.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
Starbase Typhon
PFC Thomas Kane
Starbase Typhon


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