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Meeting the squad...

Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 7:12am by

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

After Thomas left the Colonel's office, he reported to the quartermaster, and pulled his equipment. He then headed to his assigned quarters to change. As he entered his room, he breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that his meeting with the Marine CO had gone well. He could tell that although kind, the man would probably not take well to any sort of mischief. He would have to be very careful to not do anything wrong.

After changing he headed to Lt. Colonol's Greenwood's office. He buzzed and was ordered in. In the room was the LT. Col, and 3 marines wearing PFC ranks. He saluted the Lt. Col.

"PFC Kane reporting, sir."

"Welcome aboard Kane." Lt. Col. Greenwood replied, "Allow me to introduce you to PFC Darius Hargrave," A vey large marine nodded in his direction. "PFC Alex Durtin." The young black marine shook Kane's hand, "and PFC Jennifer Jackson." The extremely beautiful woman smiled at Kane. "I am assiging you to this fire team. As you have just arrived, and you will be working closely with these induviduals I expect you to get to know them, they will show you around. Report at 0600 tommorrow to begin your duties and training. That will be all."

"Understood, sir." Kane replied. He saluted once again, and followed the other three marines out.

As they were walking through the corridors, Jennifer spoke first.
"Are you Irish? I reconize the accent."

Kane smiled, "I was born and raised in Dublin."

"I hear that the Irish are supposed to be tough...but you really don't look like much to me." Spoke up Darius from Kane's right side. There was a bit of a tense silence, and then Kane spoke up again.

"Hopefully someday I can prove your idea of me wrong...I hear that most people your size are more brawn then brains...maybe you can prove me wrong."

Both Jennifer and Alex burst into laughter. Darius stopped walking, and turned to Kane.
"Maybe you could prove me wrong now..." he said. Fearing that the situation would fast become explosive, Kane smiled at the large man.

"I doubt that the 1st Sergeant would approve of marines fighting in the halls...we will have an opportunity to spar, for now lets go get some food...I have had a long flight and I am starving. Whats a good restaurant on station?"

Alex spoke up, "I know of a good one on the promenade. Cheap prices too...If Tank over here can tune down his temper a bit." he said, slapping the big man on his shoulder...which was a bit of a reach. "He doesn't trust FNG's."

"You have known each other for a little while, I just arrived...It's natural for there to be a bit of tension. Hopefully you will see that I have talents that will prove useful when the shooting starts."

The four continued thieir conversation all the way to the promenade, and continued to talk over their points becoming extremely loud and sometimes vulgar. Kane quickly realized that many people were actually leaving the establishment. When the meal was finishedm he somehow got stuck with the bill which was rather substantial. Taking his leave, he returned to his quarters to await the next day when he would begin his duties.

PFC Thomas Kane
Marine, 21st Regiment
Starbase Typhon


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